kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Only where it sat

I've been in New York for a year now. When I was planning on moving here, I always said I'd stay for five years, and then see what I wanted to do, so now this feels a bit like 1 down, 4 to go. It's not, though. I like it here. Occasionally I get depressed because I feel like I'm falling into the rut of being a career electrician and not becoming a designer. But generally, I'm doing well. I don't design as much as I'd like, but I do get to. I think I designed 8 things? I'd have to look through everything, but that's not bad. I assisted on a bunch more, and I made a living. I've only done theatre work here, and of that theatre work, I've only done lighting related work, and that's great. It's hard to feel really cheerful about it right now because I don't have work for a couple weeks, and it's cold and dark and rainy. I didn't do anything for my New York anniversary. I slept till after 1, again. I got a call saying that I don't need to start housesitting for my aunt until tomorrow. I lay around. I watched tv. I read some. I might visit John tonight, but it would have to be fairly late, so I'm not sure. My parents sent me really nice sheepskin furlined elf boots that I was excited about wearing, but it's raining, and while they're water repellent it seems like a bad idea. But my mom sent him a little stocking with stuff, and I want to go give it to him, though he hates presents. But my mom is pretty good at little neutral things.
Okay, back to reading. I think there was more to say, but my hands are ridiculously cold.
6:27 p.m.
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