kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

And one even longer going down

Lazy lazy days. Didn't make it to the midnight showing of Sweeney, but I did go see I Am Legend. It was really good. We saw it in imax so the screen was so huge and close and everything moved fast enough that the cgi didn't bother me at all. It really has near-nothing in common with the book, which was kind of nice, it makes it easier to view it as it's own entity; there's no point in comparing. My only issue- the vampires seemed an awful lot like zombies to me. I've had this discussion with John a few times now, and he makes some very good points (intelligence level, living in packs, etc), but still. All in all, though, it was very well done, well acted, and was never boring. I'm glad I went. Included in the experience was a 6 minute clip from The Dark Knight. I wasn't able to get too good of a look at Heath Ledger, but it's definitely going to be interesting. They were robbing a bank that was controlled by the mob. The cool part, though, was in the lobby they had copies of the Gotham Times. It's only 4 pages, but they put some effort into it, and it's pretty good. I was disappointed that there's no crossword puzzle. Oh well.
Some guy has been hanging out with Leslie for at least the past 27 hours. He was here when I woke up briefly at 9 yesterday morning, and I'm pretty sure they didn't leave until about noon today. It's kind of disconcerting. I was my typical rude antisocial self, and didn't introduce myself. Oh well.
I've been fully luxuriating in this not having to work thing. Sleeping in late, staying up late. Not getting out of bed unless I'm meeting up with someone. Tomorrow is my one year anniversary of being in New York. I'm not sure what I'm going to do to celebrate. I was thinking going ice skating in Bryant Park. I have my own skates, and they have free skate sharpening, so it would be a pretty good deal. I start housesitting for my aunt and cousin tomorrow as well (which is exactly what I was doing the 23rd last year) so it's complicated by needing to drag stuff over there. If I don't motivate myself to do laundry today, then I have to take all that with me. And skates. We'll see. I can't go over there until after they leave at 2. My grandmother is there, and I'm avoiding her. I'll see her when they get back, and I figure that's good enough. That sounds terribly callous, doesn't it? The thing is, she drives me (and everyone else) completely batty. It's partially just her personality, and it's partially that she's getting old and starting to slip. I split the difference between my wanting to avoid her, and needing to be a dutiful grandchild by seeing her for a full day at the end of her visit. That will make her plenty happy, and I don't have to see her twice. I'm looking forward to housesitting. It's gotten to the point in my apartment where I don't feel like I can use the living room at all, and the kitchen is pretty disgusting. Not terribly, but there's no counter space, and always dishes needing to be washed, and it's just not a place I want to actually cook. Totally different over there. Really comfortable beds, lots of good books, cable, a comfortable couch, two cats, a good kitchen. I like staying there.
I think it's time to go read more, and eat hummus and crackers.
1:45 p.m.
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