kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

It's got me in it's spotlight

More odd entertaining dreams that slip away. Oh well. Today is John's last day of classes, which is exciting. He's pretty exhausted, though. I had a vague hope/plan of going to see I Am Legend tonight, and then a midnight showing of Sweeney Todd. Don't know that that will happen, though. About Sweeney Todd- I want to see it as a curiosity, but (yep. There's a but) it's one of my favorite musicals. The 2005 Broadway version is still in my top 5 list of shows. The music is among my favorite in general, and from the reviews that is the part that (unsurprisingly) suffers most. I don't know. I kind of want to go to the midnight showing, it will be all theatre geeks, and excitement and such. But I've also sort of set myself up not to like it. I can always be persuaded otherwise, but it doesn't seem likely. So I'd be going more for the experience than the movie, which is fine. I don't know. We'll see what John feels up to, and if he's not into it, we'll see how motivated I am. And if I can find someone else to go with me.
Last night Tenaya and her boyfriend and i went to see Enchanted. I liked it a lot. It was kind of my ideal life, in a way. Not that I want to be a fairy tale princess or such, but she had the naivette, the constant hope for the goodness in people that I'm sometimes guilty of, and the whole scene in central park with the dancing and everyone joining in to the song is something I feel is missing from my life. I really wish people broke into song and perfect yet spontaneous dance more. Oh well. It was good, surprisingly uncheesy, and had a nice touch of self-mocking in places. They did a nice job of having caricatures and such without making them only be caricatures. I'm not sure John would like it, but I kind of want to make him go see it anyways.
I keep ending up awake late at night and hungry with no available food. Either I need to stock up on snackish type food for these situations, or I need to go to sleep earlier. Or I can just keep doing it and deal. Which is most likely.
Time to get up. Laundry.
10:47 a.m.
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