kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I said I want to play Twister with you

Work is breaking me. And apparently, they probably didn't need me to program the board, Peter just asked is I wanted to do it because he thought.... what? I have no idea. Pulling your assistant off of assisting and putting them on the board seems like a terrible idea. I'm so behind in updating the plot and paperwork, running the board is fucking up my muscles from how I'm sitting, to the point that I have trouble falling asleep because my neck hurts too much in any position. But the show is good. And it looks good. And in deciding how much to pay me they're taking into account that I'm working two jobs.
It rained yesterday. It's been pretty warm, actually, probably mid 40's, but no one pay any attention to that and keeps wearing all the big winter gear. I think I need a new coat, I've lost weight, and I got it a touch big so that I could layer under it, so now the one I have just seems way bulky and sort of awkward. I also need a coat that I don't care about much that I can take to work with me, or work outdoor gigs in. But at the same time, I just spent 200 bucks getting long sleeved shirts and such. So I feel like I can't spend anymore for a bit. I got good stuff, though. Nice warm long sleeved crews, and henleys, and a beautifully soft fabulously warm zip up hoodie. I'm pretty happy about it all.
I need to find more work this month. And January. I'm a little nervous, there doesn't seem to be any. I'm hoping for christmas shindigs. And I kind of want to work New Years Eve. Seems like that could pay exceptionally well. We'll see. I'm not freaked out yet, but I'm getting there. I want to send my parents some stuff for christmas. I found a place with a bunch of earring my mom would love, and I can probably find a few more little things like that, and then I need to find stuff for my dad. This is the first christmas where I don't have the excuse of being in school or whatever, and so I feel like I really need to participate in the whole christmas thing. Even though I won't be there. I also want to treat myself to a day and a massage at the russian baths here. That's my vague plan for the 23rd, to commemorate my one year anniversary of being in New York. Unless I end up gettin work then or something. Either way.
Okay. I have to get out of bed. I have today off and I fully took advantage of the sleeping opportunity, complete with interesting dreams. One of which I've had before. That's always interesting to me, when dreams go on reruns. I wonder why. But now it's time to get up, and go have lunch with John, and then we're going to check out the new thing at the gallery that I helped with. It's going to be good.
Oh! Also, yesterday I found/was told about this actually decent burrito place. Unfortunately you have to eat it with a fork, it's impossible to pick up and eat correctly, but it was pretty good otherwise. So that was happy.
12:06 p.m.
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