kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

And the answer to our neverending story

Hi! I'm at the airport. I'm flying to Martha's Vineyard, in about an hour. Wheee! I got a phone call, asking if I wanted to TD. It was from a 508 number, which when looked up, revealed south-east Massachusetts. I told them that I was all the way out in New York, and that I was more of a lighting designer than a technical director, and they said, well, we think we have someone, but are you free justin case? I said okay. I was really hoping that they would find someone, because John is not working this weekend, and was supposed to kidnap me. Something about a house and cooking and no one else around and a giant bathtub and 3 days. Anyway. They did call back, many times. I ignored them, and wrestled with my conscience. And then called them back. And they said the magic words of 'someone else I know is already doing it and needs an assistant, we'll fly you out and pay for everything, we'll pay you well' and I caved. So, now I get to go to Martha's Vineyard, and work for 3 days. Wheeee. I'm not flying directly there, going to boston first, where I get to sit in an airport for 3 hours. I brought books. And laptop. And ipod. So I'm well fortified. I was tempted to make them fly John out as well. I don't think they would have gone for that, though. Oh well. He has stuff to do anyway. We went and got indian food last night. It was good, and now I keep wanting more.
1:28 p.m.
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