kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Makeup on their faces

So I checked online, and GL has no record of me currently having a loan. Which means that SM did indeed consolidate. So it's all GL's fault, clearly there is bad interdepartmental communication. Or they just want all my money, and are trying to scare me into handing it over. I doubt that. But if so, shame on you, educational loan collectors. Right now I'm on hold waiting to talk to someone to figure this out. The hold music is particularly atrocious. Once, calling a lighting place, I got some men's chorus singing christmas songs. That was really good, in all seriousness. It was really pretty.
I slept in later than I should this morning, and as a result had horrific dreams. I should have gotten up the first time my alarm went off. Or really, even the second. It was no fun, and I still have the aching heavy head feeling.
I finished The Artamonovs. It was decent. I had a sneaking suspicion through most of it, that I fully believed by the end, that it was actually about Russia, and the transition from serfs, to this new middle class who used to be serfs, to the abdication of the tsar. It was reflected a bit in this family, and if I knew more of the history I would probably be able to pick out all sorts of metaphors between the characters and various political factions and such. In any case. I've now started on Wuthering Heights. THe language is hard to get into, I feel like she writes in a much more convoluted style. Hi-falutin' almost. It's partially the style of the times, but she's definitely harder to read than Charlotte Bronte, in terms of untangling the sentences. Maybe it's just me and my uncultured mind.
10:22 a.m.
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