kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

On vines that shine

Oog. So apparently, new hobby- get wrapped up in a tv show until I've seen all of it. Right now, it's Heroes. I was bored the other night, so I looked for stuff on netflix, saw that, and thought 'eh, why not? Supposed to be good'. Yeah. It is. I've been totally sucked into it. Though now it's getting awfully tense for me. And I"m only halfway through the first season. I am running out of watch instantly hours, though, I think i have enough for another episode, maybe 1.5. But John said I could use his account to watch the rest, so that's good. The bad thing is that like The Office, it totally consumes me. I stayed up way too late a couple nights ago watching, like till 1am, when I had to get up at 5 30 for work. Bleh. So now today even with my 8 or 9 hours of sleep, I want more. And then I want to wake up and watch Heroes. Funny thing, Jill started going through them a little before I did. Total coincidence, I'm sure, but I like it. Too bad she's not online while I'm watching them. I have no one who really gets my running commentary on what's happening. Oh well.
The only thing I'm doing this week is the show at the catholic girls school. I think it's going to be fun. Easier than I thought. But I do need to get up and order color and go pick it up and then head over there. Bleh. I think I'll take some time off this month. A few days to be really lazy with. That sounds nice right now.
10:18 a.m.
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