kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I just want to see the world

Last night was all sorts of fun. I finished work (easiest work ever. I've been given pretty free reign, and they seem to love what I'm doing with it. I'd like more time, but on the other hand, it's nice to say, 'well, I would put more cues in that song, but there's no time, oh well'. Legitimate slackering. Anyway. So then I went home and ate and watched Heroes and waited for John, who picked me up to go driving and play pool. Except that on the way, he was talking about how he wanted to make a giant shrew costume for the dog. See, MST3k did The Attack of the Giant Killer Shrews (or some title to that effect) and they basically put shag rugs on dogs, and made head pieces with fangs. John was so amused by this he decided to try to recreate it. So instead of pool and drinking, we went to the craft store and got stuff. What we ended up with was stiff felt stuff as a base, and then long fringy strips of felt glued on, and then we coated the top with spray adhesive and put feathers on it. It actually looks like of cool. Well. It's half pretty awesome and half rather moronic. So we were happy. I made the headpiece and got the dog to submit to trying it on so I could size it. It was all sorts of fun. His parents kept wandering in and shaking their heads about it all. It was fun. And then I had to go home. We sat in the car and talked for probably about an hour. I like doing that. I mean, inside would be more comfortable, probably, but sitting in a car feels like borrowed time. You're not actively going anywhere, you're in transition from traveling to being home, but you stay there. I dunno. There's also that feeling of needing to go, but being so interested in the other person, more just being around them than what you're talking about. Not that what they're saying is unimportant. What I mean is, there's that fascination, and what they're saying is interesting and absorbing, and it makes you really happy just to be there and to know them and you hate to leave that feeling, that moment, and the car is part of that. I don't know. Anyway. I don't know that the dog will submit to wearing her costume. We'll see. It was a good night, at any rate.
12:12 p.m.
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