kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Been working so hard

Sometimes my job is pretty cool. Sometimes it completely wipes me out. The last two days have been a combination. Wednesday night I went to work at midnight, and left at 11am thursday. I thought, hey, I need to sleep really late wednesday afternoon, so I should stay up really late tuesday night. It doesn't quite work like that. I woke up while it was still morning. It was fine, though, I had a big fading around 9am, but by 9 45 I was awake and useful again. It was a corporate party at the main library. We didn't quite have enough time, and there were lots of stairs to climb but it was actually kind of fun. And the main library is absolutely gorgeous. No books, though, which was odd. I guess I just wasn't in any of the book areas.
Then I went back at 11pm thursday night for the strike. But wait! The story of those 12 hours in between. I got home, took a shower, lay down, and passed the fuck out by noon. The original plan was that I would sleep till about 7, John got out of class as 6 30, and so would be there at about 7 30, we would watch a movie, and then I would lea ve for work. At about 2 45, my phone wakes me up. In a severely sleep addled daze, I look at it, realize it's John, and answer. I'm all incoherent and uncomprehending, he's all chipper and awake. "Hey! Let's go get lunch!" "what? what? okay... lunch, yes, ok, but, you're in class till... wait, you're not at school? What? lunch? I'm so confused..." "Just come downstairs" What?? Apparently he went to one class and then thought, hey, no need to go to the other two, I'll go wake her up and then go get stuff done, and she can go back to sleep. While I really liked seeing him, and we had a really good time (got pizza and watched Santa Claus Conquers The Martians) I'm still a little irritated that instead of 7 continuous hours of sleep, I got a 3 hour nap, and a 2 1/2 hour nap. Oh well.
So then I go back to work at 11 to tear it all down. That was fun. It all comes down so quickly, it's kind of like how the locusts go through, and by the time they pass the field it's gone. We were done at a little after 3, but the trucks didn't show up till 4 30. We sat around and tried not to fall asleep. Didn't get to go home till 5 30 , which was painful. I got 4 bad hours of sleep, and then headed out to work again. This time at St John's. It was fantastic. It was such an easy day. Long one, 11 1/2 hours, but easy easy. The hardest part was not falling asleep when I had nothing to do. We set up some stuff, mostly foggers, and refocused lights for their Halloween extravaganza. Halloween? In a cathedral? Weird. but very cool. There were 2 shows, at 7 and at 10. The first one had lots of kids, most of whom where intensely cute. Especially the bunny ballerina. They showed an hour long silent movie (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) with live organ accompaniment. So cool. It was all sorts of awesome. The second shows audience was a bit more into it, laughing and such. It was a pretty awesome movie, I kind of want to study it more and figure out what was going on, how much was in the guys head, etc. And the production design of it was fantastic. I don't know the name of the art style they were using, but it was pretty intruiging. And then there was the costume parade. I wouldn't really call it that, but it works. Basically, they had a hellmouth on stage under the projection screen (oh, yeah, and they used a real projection machine!) and through it emerged all sorts of demons and such forth. Really good costumes, and really fascinating, well done stuff to look at. They had some puppetry sorts, a big articulated dragon, and some beetle-y type guys. It was really cool. And then we tore it all down in about 45 minutes, and went and a had a drink, and then I went home and passed out. 30 hours of work in a 48 hour period. Not too bad, actually.
It's raining pretty hard right now. I'm glad that today I have nothing to do outside, except visit John tonight. I slept until 1, which was really nice. And then I'll research Fiddler for a while, and maybe nap, and then sometime between 5 and 10 my bookshelves will show up! And then I will go into a rapturous fit of alphabetizing. I am so excited about that.
2:00 p.m.
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