kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

With a heave and a ho and a mighty throw

I am insane. So, last night I'm sitting there, sorting through mail, paying bills, envelopes strewn all over my bed, when the terrible mess that is my room finally really got to me. I got up and started cleaning madly. All my clean clothes that had been considered back into the closet, dirty ones into the duffle bag that I use to take stuff to the laundromat, flotsam into trashbags. I got to a reasonable point, lots of shoes still lying around, but trash and clothes clear, and looked around. And thought, 'hmm. Perhaps I should rearrange. Flip my bed 90deg, and move that there and that there..' So, I'm not a total idiot, I know that it's a bad idea to impulsively start moving stuff. Also, while less messy, my room wasn't actually clean, so it would be stupid to start pushing stuff around. So I bust out my tape measure and my drafting software. And draw my room. Um. So, I draw it all out, not including smaller bits, just my be d, desk dresser, laundry basket and big pile of books. And then I start moving stuff around. And come up with something that is pretty feasible. Everything fits, it's looks pretty good, I seem to have about the same amount of empty space as before. So then I start pushing stuff around. Proving that even sitting and taking fairly logical steps really doesn't help that much. I get to the point where my bed is turned, and I'm pushing the desk into its new home, when I realize/remember that the desk is going right in front of the window that still has the ac in it, and it's getting towards cold, and an ac unit is not really something I want to stare at. So I pause, and go to take it down. And kind of deliberately, as if I intended, drop it out the window. Note that the fanatic urge to rearrange came on at about 11pm, so this is now a little after midnight, and I drop an air conditioner out a second story window. Reminded me of the song.
The rest of moving stuff went pretty smoothly. And I think I'm pretty happy with it now. Where the dresser was I'm going to put a bookshelf, and I've actually freed up the mirror. Before it was a little hard to use because the foot of the bed came too close, meant you had to stand about 2 feet away, and you couldn't see your head. Now I can stand about 6 feet away, and actually see with it. I hadn't realized how much of a breeze came in through that second window, it's blown some of my papers off. It's nice, though, and I think that'll encourage me to file everything in a timely manner. Yeah. I think I like my new room.
10:18 a.m.
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