kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

In the not-too distant future, somewhere in Time and Space

You know what I like? How it's really worth it. I spent the night a John's house, in his much smaller bed, sleeping in fits and starts and being too hot or too cold and at one point it took me a while to realize that I was crinkling paper that was next to me, and then another little while to realize that it was annoying me, and it was all completely worth it. I think he agrees. And I like that, that whatever irritants we have to go through to be together are not really an issue. And it was nice. We got up early (8) and went to Alpha Donuts, which I've been wanting to do for while now, and then back to my house where we curled up and slept some more. Very nice. I also gave him the Mystery Science Theater 3000 dvd's that I'd gotten him. He was all sorts of uncomfortable with me spending money on him, but he really liked them, and is going to get me back by making me watch them with him. I'm okay with that. And he thought that they cost way more than they did. I definitely spent more than I want him to know about, but not as much as he feared. So that's okay.
And then he had to leave, to go take care of stuff before work tonight. I need to do laundry and draft, but I'm still pretty tired. I just took a shower and napping sounds all sorts of good right now.
Yesterday I went with him and his mom to whole foods and the union square farmers market. It's a pretty good one, I want to explore it more. It wasn't a great as I had been led to believe, though, and it's way to crowded to effectively go there in a group. By myself would have been good, I think. But when am I ever motivated enough to do these things by myself? Catch 22. We walked away with about 30-40 dollars worth of cheese. 2 different things of goats milk feta in olive oil, which was interesting. I don't know that I liked it that much, but maybe if I used sourdough bread to eat it instead of forking out little bits? The olive oil was too much for me, I think.
Okay. Plan for the rest of the day. Call back that guy about work. Sleep. Finish drafting. Go visit John at work. Sleep solidly and get up with enough vim and vigor to do laundry in the morning. Heh.
2:19 p.m.
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