kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Won't you let me go down in my dreams

Somewhat wasted day. I'm sick, though, so it's excusable. Yesterday was godawful. Not totally. I got up and went to the gallery and finished everything. I think I got it right. Actually, I'm really really happy with what I came up with. I think it fit what she was looking for, and my input and thoughts are in there too. So I was happy. On my way back to the subway, a bicylclist ran into me. He had a red light, so even though I wasn't that clear about my intentions, he should have stopped. Oh well. I was fine, he was annoyed but I think fine, so whatever. It was just another little kind of crappy thing in addition to feeling utterly terrible miserable. By the time I got off the train, I couldn't deal with going a half block in the other direction to the bank to deposit checks, and instead went and bought dayquil and nyquil and ramen. And I only did that because of blind faith that it would make me feel better. Just that took an awful lot of effort. But hey- dayquil works. I didn't feel totally better, but compared to how I had been feeling, I was fantastic. I even put thought and effort into getting dressed and doing my hair. I looked really good. I was happy about that. The opening was interesting. There was this crazy crazy odd older woman who talked to me about lighting and pyrotechnics for a bit (it was really surreal. I wish I remembered more about it) and Tenaya showed up and I showed her everything, and talked her through it. She got to meet Emily and talk to her a bit. John made it, which was really nice. I don't entirely know what he thought of it. I know there was one part that he thought was really ridiculous. He's right. But the other pieces, the one's I was involved in, and what I did with it, I don't really know his opinion, but that's fine. He was stressed out from his test and driving into the city, and the gallery was really loud and he had a migraine. but he showed up. We looked at everything for a bit, and then left. I was tired and done with it. I wish I had been awake and in a mood to go to the afterparty, but going home and sleeping was really nice too. Nicer, in this case.
Today was all about laying around in bed. My bag came! My old shoulder bag is dying, and in an odd way. I've never worn through the shoulder strap before. This one is bigger than I expected, but it's perfect, I think. It's got two kind of biggish pockets on the front, which are good for wallet, keys, pens etc. Bags usually compartmentalize either too much or not at all, and this is just right. I have separation of stuff, but I don't have to think about which pocket I put what in, I can still reach it all. And then the middle can fit all sorts of book and notebooks and sweaters, and on each end there's a little pockety thing, I'm thinking I'll use the back for a waterbottle (where it can't sweat onto my books or anything, which has been a problem in the past) and the front one for my ipod. It's a little big for that, so fishing it out might be awkward, but we'll see. I'm excited about taking it out.
I did some minor drafting, but am still not done. I'm having a hard time finishing this. It's annoying me a lot. I also am not going to seattle. Which is a bummer. But they can't afford to fly me out, and there are other jobs that are possibilities that I emailed about today. Whatever. Tomorrow is all about hanging out with John. For once, he doesn't have work saturday night, so we'll get to spend the whole day together, on a weekend. It will probably be spent curled up watching The Office. Though I also need to do laundry really badly. Or maybe we'll actually do something. Who knows. In any case. I'm not doing much this coming week, and that feels kind of nice. I'm not going to start stressing out about not having work yet, I'm going to enjoy having some free time. I'll clean my room, maybe buy a couple pairs of shoes, maybe see a movie. I have no idea what's even playing now.
I can see a tree outside through the bathroom window when I'm in the shower. This morning I thought for a second that it was a eucalyptus, and that I was in california. It was a very odd mental flip-flop.
10:42 p.m.
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