kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

You don't care, so I won't cry

Huzzah. The drafting was no where near as torturous as I anticipated. I sent it to him at 1 30 in the morning. He was supposed to look it over and tell me the next steps, but he didn't. I did a little more tonight, but I kind of need him to answer some of my questions, and give me feedback. So I'm a little stuck. There's cleanup stuff that I could do, but I really don't want to, and it doesn't matter when I do it. Some of it I would probably have to redo anyway. Justified slackery.
So I'm helping with the install of the art that I'm lighting. It's boring. And I'm too pattern minded, not random enough. But I got into the swing of it. Basically, there are the words 'sunset/sunrise' in english, hebrew and arabic, made out of rubber. And I am pinning them to the wall. I also played with sand for a bit. I had a sore throat all day, and that really didn't help, but whatever. It wasn't that bad. She keeps asking for my input on stuff, which is awkward. I mean, usually I have an opinion on it, but sometimes it doesn't go with her general concept (which I generally know, but am specifically unclear on still. Oh well.) or I don't particularly care. Or it's a decision that she needs to make. Whatever. It's kind of cool to have a hand in it all. I'm going to point out bits that I did to people at the opening. Is that obnoxious? maybe. I'm excited about the opening. Emily said that they don't super dress up, but I sort of know what I want to wear for it. And what to do with my hair. If I have time. I invited a bunch of people. A few of them might actually show up. Including a couple who's diaries I read. What excitement. I'm also trying to get John to come, but who knows. A gallery opening is not really something he would enjoy, and would much rather come when there are fewer people around.
I'm very tired. And my throat is sore. I think it's time to go to bed.
9:49 p.m.
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