kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

What the hell do you do there

Whee. The haircut is good. It's really not that different. A couple inches shorter, much neater, and way lighter. Which is exactly what I wanted. The woman who did it was really funny. She chattered a lot and amused herself, and mostly me. When she was talking to the instructor beforehand, they kept talking about me like I wasn't there. That's never really happened before, at least not to that extent. But there was a lot of "she says she's low maintenance, so round layers would be good, and she's got a nice shaped face and said she clips it back, so you don't have to worry about something or other..." Odd. It took for freaking ever, though. Nearly 2 hours. But, it's a school. It only cost 20 bucks, and you're not really supposed to tip. And I didn't have anywhere else to be. Anyway. I'm very happy with it. While she was cutting it, it didn't really seem like she was doing anything. Didn't seem like much was getting cut off, mostly just lots of sectioning and resectioning. Apparently that was untrue. It also seems to be less poufy. But that could be because it's been a little less humid. Who knows. I think I do want to cut it shorter at some point. But I'll wait till spring. Right before winter seems like a really bad time to do that.
I got my second check from fashion week today. Way bigger than I expected. Not way bigger. But $300 something bigger. So I went to banana republic. I haven't been in so so long. I got good stuff, I think. A dark green decolletaged camisole, v-necked soft pretty black sweater, and really nice pants. They look really good, I was surprised. Banana republic pants used to look terrible on me. I'm not sure if my body has shifted, or their cut has. Either way. Too long, though, so they're being hemmed. I get them back next wednesday. I'm very proud of myself, picking things that look really good as a cohesive outfit, but can also all be worn with other things. I'm usually kind of bad at that. But now that I've started buying stuff, I really want to buy more. No good. I hardly ever do, though, beyond what I really need, like a couple pairs of jeans, or more underwear. So I have to be careful. I do have some excess money right now, but not a crazy amount. I need to pay some bills, buy the foam top, and bookshelves. That's priority, then I can buy some clothes. And that will be fun. I also need a new bag. The shoulder strap on mine is about to snap. I think I will go look for one now.
10:33 p.m.
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