kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

San Andreas fault moved it's fingers through the land

My trapeze class is pretty awesome. While I still wish that I were a kid being told to do it over again till I got it right, I am liking this form of class a lot. I'm also starting to be less sore after each one. We played tag to warm up. There were 7 of us, and it's a fairly small space. But all sorts of fun. I'm vagely working on a few things. Front hip circles. Star drop to ankles. Gazelle drop to ankles. Which I wish I could describe, it's fantastic. And I can't remember seeing anyone eles do it ever. Though I may have, and clearly, lots of people have. I need to work on compositional stuff more. Which is what this class is really good for.
For some reason yesterday I was all despondent. I'm not sure why. I slept until about 10, took a long shower, cleaned my room, watched a bit of tv, ate udon, and went to class. It was one of those melancholy days, I guess. And then I got to class, and I thought I was going to have to force being personable, and that I was going to be crappy at everything because I was really hungry. but no! It was awesome, and it cheered me right up. and my callouses are starting to come back.
John always picks me up from class. According to him it's not in a good neighborhood (I disagree. There are spots that aren't great, and the block itself is on the downside, but generally it's really nice. I'd like to live there.) He never gets there in time to see anything interesting, which is too bad, but fine. I'm going to show him things someday when I'm all prepared, and not in the process of learning them. Anyway. He picked me up, and we had no idea what to do. I was really hungry, and we had mentioned playing pool, so we weighed our various options there, and then went to his house, stopping to pick up food making things on the way. I'm learning that I don't really like grilled cheese sandwiches. They were still pretty good. We also played with his new wii. Ridiculous. I was really good at boxing, though. And he has a surgery one that's pretty cool. I was playing on the easy level, and doing okay (nobody died. I lazered polyps. And scalpled) but then I watched him play with it set to normal. Wow. It was exciting. There's a stupid storyline going all through it, and if you fail to do the operation fast enough, you kill yourself. Fantastic. So that was fun. And then he dropped me off. He's staying over tonight, because I no longer have work on friday. Very bummed out about that. The designer hired me after the production manager hired someone else without telling him. Lame. Oh well. It means I have the day free to hang out with him a bit. Though he needs to sleep a lot more than I do, he was work friday night. And it's the beginning of a 4 day week. Which sounds lame, but then you add in that it's 4 12 hour days, and that they're from 7pm to 7am. Bleh.
I cleaned my room, and while it's way cleaner and non-cluttery (or as much so as a room of mine can be) it doesn't look that improved to me. It's because I have these three boxes of clothes and miscelaneous junk that I need to donate somewhere. They're sitting at the foot of my bed taking up space and making the closet less accesible. Before I started cleaning, it was 4 boxes of varying sizes and a giant trashbag of clothes. So it's greatly consolidated now. But the pile of boxes is taller now. So it has more of a presence. I'm not sure how to get them out of here. I think I need to call a church that will pick it all up. There's one a few blocks from my house. Perhaps that's one of the things I'll take care of next week while I have no work planned. Feh.
Okay. Time to get up and dressed, and then to Emily's gallery, and then, to the haircut! I'm still excited. And I don't know what I'll ask them to do yet. I don't want it much shorter, I think. But I don't know. I'll ask Emily's opinion maybe.
10:38 a.m.
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