kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I lived under a shadow, and I was afraid of my own

Long day today. Good day. I went to the theatre and did the last little bit of cue cleaning up that I'm going to do. I now consider myself relieved of all obligations to that production, and can move on to other things. I was happy with what I got done, and the speed with which I did it, though, so that was a good start. Then I went over to Columbus Circle to meet up with Zina to go juggle in central park. We were both late, and the breakdancers I watched while waiting for her were annoying. They were good and all, but in preparation and getting everyone to move forward they were kind of assholes. But whatever. It's tough getting a crowd to respond, and when they don't, they just kind of drain you. We wandered all over the place, vaguely looking for a spot to juggle in, somewhere shady and relatively flat. In wandering we passedall sorts of people, and the merry-go-round and the smaller boathouse. We walked right through a chess tournament, I kind of wanted to stay and watch some games, but it didn;t look like it had officially started yet. We saw the castle, and the sailboats and found a spot to juggle, and then hang out and talk about 6 toed cats, and living in new york and such. The juggling went fine. We didn't do too much, but it was nice. We'll do it again. 6 toed cats! So, I've known a few, including a long haired kitten whose feet looked like mops, which was awesome. But she was telling me about one that she had tossed a cat treat to, who had picked it up with a paw and put it in it's mouth! How cool is that! I liked hanging out with her, though we don't have muchish in common. There were some extended silences, but they were largely companionable, so that's fine.
And then I went way the hell uptown to visit Naya. It was good, but I stayed way too late. I was having fun, and I'm glad I stayed, but at the same time, I didn't leave till quarter to one. And then I went to visit John, so I didn't get home till nearly 3:30. Oh well. Naya and her boyfriend are awesome and all, but I don't think they're going to last. She nags at him. Teasingly, for now. But I can kind of tell that the teasing aspect will get to be less and less. It will take a long time, like maybe 10 years or so. I dunno. I hope I'm wrong. I like both of them, and I like them together. But I'm starting to see and agree a bit with John when he says that he likes me too much to risk living with me. But anyway. We made matzoh ball soup, and oatmeal chocolate cookies. Good times. And played various games, and combined games and played that. I hadn't realized before how utterly devoid of skill Candyland is.
Tenaya's gone on a whole organic produce kick which is interesting. I mean, I agree with most of her reasons, and she finds good stuff, but the whole announcing proudly that everything we're cutting up is organic, some of it grown fairly locally, etc is a little annoying. But in a slightly endearing way. I don't know that she'll get over it, but I assume she'll stop mentioning it soon enough. I like cooking there; I want to turn it into a somewhat regular thing. We talked about a variety of things. Very little of it was work, which was good. I don't remember much specifically, but it was all god natured and I'm really glad I went. I forgot to bring her shirt (which I've had since freshman year of high school) and her tupperrware back. Oh well.
I've been reading a bunch lately, which is really nice. Just finished Everything Is Illuminated. I liked it a lot, I think. I really liked the opening, and then it shifted gears, and I hated it for a bit, but then I figured it out and started liking it again. I feel like I want to see the movie again, to see how they changed it. I feel like they changed a ton, but I also feel like the core feeling stayed, which is always good. It was an interesting style of structuring a book, I kind of wish I were in a class tat was analyzing it. I'm not sure how to go about directing my thoughts, and dissecting bits and such, and it's the kind of thing that I want a teacher to tell me where to start from. Oh well. Maybe I'll try to do it myself anyway. Not at the moment, though. I have more books that are clamoring to be read.
My one new years resolution that I meant to keep was to read a book a week this year. We're just starting week 40, and I am in the middle of book 44 (granted, I'm counting rereads. But those are pretty few) so I feel pretty good about that. The list so far (r=reread, s=script)(they are out of order at the beginning, I lost my list and had to recreate it)-
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Pride and Prejudice
Arcadia (s,r)
Time Travelers Wife (r)
Darkness at Noon
Breakfast at Tiffany's (r)
As You Like It (s,r)
Cyrano de Bergerac (s)
8 Ball Chicks
A Cricket in Times Square (r)
Ahab's Wife
Bel Canto
The Things They Carried
The Satanic Verses
Matilda (r)
Bagombo Snuffbox
The Sparrow
The Thought Gang
Eve Green
Doris to Darlene (s)
Sprang Thang (s)
Just Jane (s)
Hypocrite in a Poufy White Dress
The Third Policeman
Marley and Me
The Octopus
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The Kite Runner
Peony in Love
Time and Again
My Sisters Keeper
Vanishing Acts
A Man Without a Country
To Say Nothing of the Dog
Into The Forest
On Beauty
The Autograph Man
Minimum Wage (s)
Everything is Illuminated
The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century
Annie on My Mind (r, in the middle of)

So that's actually 44, being in the middle of the 45th. Forgot about the time travel anthology. I also was halfway through an anthology about amnesia, and then left it at my aunt's. Still need to get that back. Overall, a good reading year, though. And yet there's so much more that I want to get to.

3:40 a.m.
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