kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Shake it to intensive care

Oof. I work too much. I think about work too much. My life is work. And visiting John at work. This weekend I'm actually doing stuff and seeing people. Saturday afternoon will be juggle with Zina, and then making matzoh ball soup with Tenaya and her boyfriend. And then sunday is going to see a band/artist that I really like with a couple people that I work with who are now dating, and Tenaya. So that's good. Sunday I will also do some drafting work. Or pre-drafting work, really. But we won't talk about that. We will, however, talk about a dream that I had last night. So, John has been trying to get me to watch Dawn of the Dead for a while now. I actually did watch the first little bit with him a while ago, and then stopped it. I don't do well with scary movies; I don't like the tension and the worry and being startled by things jumping out of places and such. But anyway, we finally watched the rest of it last night. As expected, it creeped me the fuck out. I had to look out the window until I saw a couple of normal people walking by. Granted, now I'm rethinking through it, and it was really pretty cool, and it is a good movie. Still, didn't like watching it. Anyway. So then, in fits and starts, and sometimes half awake, I had a dream about zombies. It wasn't too scary, mostly annoying, and I woke up a bit to ell John that, and remind him that it wa sall his fault, and then it somehow turned into this thing about using the zombies as lights? Like, I was in a theatre-ih space, and you had to shoot them, and they were everywhere (it kind of looked like if you had the slaughterhouse and the meatlocker in the same room) but you had to try to shoot them in the right place, because you then had to hang and focus them. what? Yeah, it was weird. I woke up and told him about that, too. Apparently he was actually sleeping (which is fairly rare when he stays over) and I kept waking him up. oops.
I have another couple things lined up, but not much, which is worrisome. This si why I think about work so much, I'm either doing it, or finding more, often both at the same time. I can never really relax and just know that I'll still have work, still be able to pay bills. Oh well. I kind of like it. But it is fucked up. The show I'm working on now is driving me nuts. Ian is the designer, but I'm doing all the cueing, but then he shows up and gives me cue notes (which were helpful, really, but still kind of annoying) and the stage manager is awesome and i really like him, but he doesn't pay as much attentioni to stuff as I'd like, like when I hand him a sheet of paper, and say here are the cues that I added, and when they happen, if you have any questions, ask me. And then he doesn't ask, and doesn't put them in his book. And doesn't connect that the cue listed next in line is not the same as the cue he has listed in his book. Oh well. And the director yelled at me. He was right, sort of, but he yelled at me in a terrible and innapropriate way, and he was the only one who actually cared. It's one of those things where, sure, I was in the wrong, but the reaction that my wrong got was totally undeserved. it was unpleasant, and makes me agitated to think about, so we'll move on.
I've been having other weird, involved dreams lately. I don't remember much at the moment, but they keep me entertained.
Tenaya has a coworker who might be looking for a roommate. I'd be willing to think about it. I really like my room, the price, and the neighborhood. Who knows. I should figure out what I want before i entrench myself more here, with bookshelves and such.
1:23 a.m.
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