kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

There's a storm on the way

Holy fuck. So. All this fall/winter, I'm doing a series of staged readings. Barely pays, work with interesting directors and actors, could lead to other work. Huzzah. And then- might possibly go to seattle with the show for Aaron. That would be november 1st-11th (though it actually goes to the 15th, but I have a staged reading on the 12th, so..) and then the transfer would be january 8th-11th. But then, I jut got an email. One of the other designers I work suggested me for this. It's a dance troupe that needs a designer to adapt the plot for their tour of Asia. To quote- "...we're lucky to be touring to several cities in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan in late December through mid-January. We're hoping to hire someone to adapt two lighting plots (we have two dance programs, depending on the size of the venue) originally designed by Jeff something, to each venue's capabilities, as well as supervising the hang, color and focus at each venue. Focus would also entail having said person spike the marley floor. A video projector and computer would also need to be set up for the larger of the two programs. We're likely bringing our own light board and diskettes, in order to minimize cue writing onsite; we'd just adapt what we have to the venue. Said person would also run the board at the performance. [edit] P.S. We do have some days off, and will spend New Year's Eve in Beijing!"
So, uh, yeah. I want to go. Holy hell. I've never been out of the country. I would need to get a passport. And I couldn't do the transfer. And possibly have to skip one of the staged readings. I don't feel good about skipping out on that. I'm okay about not goig to seattle. I mean, it would be nice, but it's not necessary, and I would way rather do this. I don't know how long I have to decide. I'm thinking (as I slowly bounce from giddy to realistic) that I'll email him and ask for specifics, dates, pay, per diem, what supervising a hang entails, translators, how do I go about getting more gel if we run out, am I in charge of figuring out what all we need to order beforehand, etc. But wow. WOW. Exciting. I am so excited about this. And no one will answer their phones. My parents, aunt, cousin, Tenaya, Jill, no one. John is on his way over, and I'm waiting till he gets here to talk it through.
A tour. It's a short one, which is good. I know people who love tours, and people who hate them. Of course. I have no idea where I fall. And I have no idea how much work I'd be taking on. I don't know how to set up a video projector. But I could learn. Who knows. The biggest impedence is the staged readings. No conflicts in december, but in january they are the 7th, 14th and 21st. The tour goes till 'mid-january'. Doesn't bode well. That would really suck if I miss out on this because of one (maybe 2) silly prior commitments. Interestingly enough, I wore my Beijing Lantern Festival shirt today. Not that that actually means anything. But it's still funny. I think I really want it. I have to figure out how to make it happen.
8:51 p.m.
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