kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

All my friends drive low riders

I've been dreaming about work lately. Terrible. I'm working a series of small silly things now. The focus call today went great. It took under two hours. THere was one guy there and I have no idea why he would have ever agreed to it, or why he was even called to work in the first place. I had him focusing at first, but then he came down and went over to the board (without talking to me) and then I asked what was up and he said he doesn't usually work at heights. I said fine, then you get to read the plot and bring lights up. And then I had to show him how to do that. I really wish he had made it clear in the beginning that he didn't want to be on the ladder, then I would have been able to take the time to show him how to run the board, and what needed to be done there. But as it was I gave him a 30 second explanation and walked away to take his ladder. He seemed really frustrated about feeling like he didn't know anything. Which I understand, but at the same time, lighten up. Just admit that you don't know, don't get mad at me for thinking you knew, and ask questions. That was irritating. But the arrangement of people got sorted out pretty quickly, one guy and me on ladders, snarky guy on the board, random other guy reading the plot and checking things off. And we blazed through it. I'm at another theatre all weekend. I'm getting really tired of being an electrician. I like it for a bit, I like the physical aspect, I like climbing ladders, and the people I work with. But it feels either soul sucking, or not entirely worth my time. Oh well.
I have awesome stuff coming up/going on. Next week I'm assistant designing for a smallish musical. It should be entertaining and not entirely stressful. The designer is abandoning me a lot during the week, so I have to be in charge then. I always like/dread that. Then I'm lighting a gallery exhibit at Emily's gallery, which is awesome. Barely pays, but I've never done anything like it, and the artist wants my input on stuff. I'm going to meet with her sometime next week. And then I just started assisting on The King and I, which Aaron is doing at a theatre near seattle. And it's then moving to another city in the seattle area. So, it's looking like there's a good chance that they'll fly me out there. More likely for the transfer of it, possibly for both times. Which I'm really excited about. Someone else paying to fly me out there, I can visit Jill at least a little, they'll house me and give me a car... it just sounds all sorts of good. Though I do have trapeze classes and the monday night readings thing that I'm doing. I don't know exactly the show goes up, but we'll see. I hope it will work out.
John's stressed the fuck out lately. His work is screwing him over. Usually he works 3 nights a week, 12 hours each night. Lately, 'they', someone managerial, has decided that there is something to be learned from working day shift, so everyone has to work one day shift a month. That screws with sleep schedules all over the place, but fine. But now, NOW, 'they' have decided that everyone must go back and forth. So, nights saturday sunday monday, and then days tuesday wednesday thursday. I noticed real quick that this means 6 12 hour days a week. So, it seems like then you would basically have every other week off. Apparently it doesn't work like that. What the hell are they thinking? Who knows whats going to happen. John thinks they're trying to get people to quit, and then start laying them off. Stupid. It's a website that has a great track record, working 100% of the time for 4 or 5 years. Because of these people. Stupid. I kind of want to dress up and go down there and scold them. Say I'm a scheduling consultant or something. But that's unrealistic. I wouldn't want them to connect me to him at all, and I need either an official id or someone to vouch for me to get into the building. And I don't know who would be best to talk to, when they'd be there, and the chance of them listening to me is pretty slim. But I still have fantasies of going in there and busting their balls about it, and then figuring out a schedule that works. 'They' have also totally screwed him for vacation time. He has something like 20 days, and every request he put in got denied, until finally he got a chunk of time in november/december, but now that's been thrown out the window by this new schedule. He's also taking classes on tuesdays and thursdays. 'They' are ignoring that. Not that it's their problem, but really, when one is salaried at a company like that, one should be able to count on a regular schedule, and then plan around that. The whole thing is ridiculous.
I've been watching The Office on netflix's view instantly thing. That pretty much sums up my life. I never see my new roommate. We somehow move around each other in the apartment, and are never in the same place at the same time. It's very odd, seeing traces of another person around, but never seeing her. Leslie is gone till sometime this weekend. I'm seeing Tenaya saturday night. I need to get a haircut. I'm very excited about that. I feel really good about myself lately. I lost a bit of weight, gained muscle. John looks at me in a way that makes me feel really pretty. We have fantastic sex, and he's really good to wake up to. I've gotten back to being able to sleep with him here.
My grandmother is going downhill fast. She called me a couple days ago to wish me happy birthday, and was serious. I need to call her back. I'm not sure if I should disillusion her or not.
6:15 p.m.
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