kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Big wheel keeps on turning

Bad choices. Oh well. I worked 15 hours yesterday, except that I got let go 2 hours early, so it was only 13, but he's paying us as if we stayed the whole time. So, yay for that. But then I was supposed to be at work at 8 am this morning, but John came over. I really wanted to see him, and only intended him to be here for an hour or so. But he was comfortable. And warm. and I didn't want him to leave, but I can't sleep with him here, which sucks. Sometimes I can, but not often. So I got no sleep. And so I called in sick, except only for half a day. Which is understandable to Andrew, because he figures I need the money. So, I might feel like shit in the morning, but if I can rest, and then rally for the afternoon.. Anyway. I feel stupid about it, but I slept this morning, and it was really nice. It was in hourish long blocks, but it was very purposeful sleep. It felt very dense. And I had all sorts of interesting dreams. I'll be working with about 5 hours of non-linear sleep, and my head still feels kind of thick, but I'm so much more useful. This morning I felt like if I tried to work, I might be okay for a few hours, but then I would start misjudging distances more and more, and no being able to lift what I normally can, and further bad incompetent things.
The thing yesterday was a fashion show for jewelry. I got to be on followspot, so I got to sit around a lot. Like, for 5 hours. Plus the show time, which was another hour and a half. There was also a vegas-style dance (complete with topless dancers, and ridiculous beyond belief costumes) and this band from paris played. The whole theme of the show seemed to be paris; that's what the video behind the catwalk was of, and the various tableaus to look at the jewelry on the models up close. And the band. So where did the vegas dancers fit in? It was very surreal. I have more comments, but I need to go and get ready to head out.
12:11 p.m.
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