kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

We don't do anything we didn't do the day before

13 hour day. Tomorrow is 15. Exhausting. Ridiculous. But I got paid at the end of today, got to walk out with the money. That was nice.
I liked the two people I was working with as people. But holy shit, they were sort of useless. The girl wasn't. She was kind of meticulous, and always looking for something to do. So hat was good. But the guy was a mess. But he was more comfortable on the ladder than I was, and I was lazy, so I let him. And we also had ladder and genie lift use conflicts, so that slowed us down. But it was a small show. We should have been able to hang and cable and focus it in the time we had. Nope. There are still lights to be hung, and cabled. And we focused 15 lights. Out of about 70, I think. Ridiculous. the designer should have pushed more, I think, but oh well. He was a really nice guy, I liked working for him. And I think he'll hire me again for stuff.
Anyway. Bedtime. I have exactly 8 hours to sleep, if I pas sout as soon as I put the computer away. Ha. Wishful thinking.
11:04 p.m.
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