kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

The hardest years, the wildest years

I have work!
It's not work I really love or anything. But it's work. And it's for 8 days straight, and it will pay me, post-tax, either nearly twice my rent, or just about twice my rent. Which means that I don't have to freak so much about finding more work this month, and I can save some, and I can buy the dragonfly thing that I mentioned. The downside? It's doing a load-in, 8 days straight, at least 10 hours daily. More like 12 for some of those. Another upside? It's for Fashion Week, and the excitement/glamour of that has not worn off for me yet. Another downside? I basically won't see John for the entirety of that. And he's working all weekend, and I have plans for tuesday. so, I won't see him for a week and a half, except when I manage to visit him at work, or he comes over to sleep. And only sleep, because I will need it. Oh well. I like having that momentary financial security. I like that with three phone calls and about 7 minutes(one to get the guys number, one to leave him a message, and one for him to call back) I took a huge load off my mind. Andrew, the guy I'm working for, is going to email me the schedule later today.
Another downside is that I'm working the 5th-12th, and my friend Chris is flying in the 5th, and I'm not sure how long he's staying. He's sleeping on my couch for the first I don't know how many days. So it sucks that I won't be able to hang out with him much. But I will be able to see him some, and he has all sorts of other friends in the city to amuse him. So everything falls into place. I like times like this.
5:18 p.m.
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