kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Yes we can can

So I met the new roommate last night. I don't know. We'll see. Two things- 1. her name s Stephanie. Not a name I have good associations with. The woman who took over my old circus, and who was a total bitch to me when I decided to sell my trapeze was named Stephanie, Matt's new girlfriend is a Stephanie, and there's someone at camp who is pretty stupid and occasionally annoying who also shares the name. But whatever. 2. She has a necklace with her name on it. What a snobby bitch I am. But there is a set of associations that I have with that, and they're all mildly trashy. But we'll see. She greeted me really nicely and personably, and seems genuine. So, first impression is not entirely favorable, but I am reserving judgement.
I am monstorously sore today. Coming back from my meeting, I wanted to curl up and cry. Who knew that batting cages were such a workout? I'm not wimpy. I do physical labor, I just worked at a camp where I did a lot of trapeze and rope climbing and stuff. I'm not as strong as I'd like, but I'm stronger than I look, and I am far from a weakling. But I still feel like a big wimp for being so wiped out by that. Today the stomach muscles have kicked in, and my right forearm is screaming. Along with everything that was there yesterday. Enough whining.
The meeting went well. It was just a short little, hey, check out the space, meet the guy sort of thing, not a big deal. I'm excited about this, though. I get to work in a fairly good, very well known theatre, and there are going to be lots of interesting directors crossing my path, and so each one of these staged readings will be a sort of mini-audition for me.
I also called the trapeze place. It will be interesting. They focus more on composition and such than tricks, which is fine. And they have a really good workstudy deal, where you pay as much as you feel you are able, and then cover the rest with various hours of work, at the rate of 10/hr. So the whole 10 week course is 195, of which I think I'm going to pay a little over 100. It sounds like they have enough various things going on for me to do the other hours on pretty easily.
So, time to start really looking for work. I'm going to spend the rest of the day updating my resume, and then emailing people. Make them hire me.
12:53 p.m.
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