kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Song is fading still it's true

I need to go buy some shampoo today. And other sundries. Yesterday I washed my hair with only conditioner, and it actually looks great, but I don't feel like it's entirely clean.
I went to visit John at work last night, per usual. We went and got thai food for dinner at this pretty good place a couple blocks from his building. I haven't been there in a month and a half at least, and they still know me. The waiter made a comment about me always getting that dish (which, I kind of do. It's really good, it's mild curry with chicken, and these really good noodles that are crispy above the curry, but all soft when they're in it) so next time I think I'll have to get something else. We'll see. I really like v isiting John. It's frustrating because then I have to go home, and he has to go back up to work, but it's also a nice break for both of us. He's still figuring out what he wants to do about buying a place, and where and if he really wants to right now, and if he's going to find one with his brother, or by himself. He's still looking at Bridgeport, but when he was listing the cons to living there, he mentioned that I live down here. Which surprised me, because he never mentioned that as a factor before, and I had started to feel whiny for bringing it up, and so had mentally cut myself out of the equation. It was really nice to hear him putting me back in. Anyway. It was a good visit. I'm glad I'm back in New York.
I mostly unpacked yesterday, and so now I have to clean a bit, and find places for some stuff. My birthday presents were all really good, in that they were both compact, and things I was interested in. A couple book, a cd, and then two books of blank postcards, and watercolor pencils, and watercolor crayons. At camp, and before that some, I went a a small postcard making kick. They turned out really well, I was really happy with them. And I really enjoyed making them, and I talked to my mom about that. I really need shelves in here. I would love to turn the wall opposite my bed into a wall of shelf space. That would be enough for my books, with a little left over for art supplies, and dvd's, and random bits of flotsam that I have.
Leslie finally decided to pu the litter box in the bathroom. I'm a big fan of this, for a couple reasons. One, before it was in ithe kitchen. Need I say more. But also, she always closes the bathroom door, and who knows if there's someone in there, and the steam from the showere gets trapped in there, even with the window open. So if his litter box is there, the door will have to stay open. I approve.
I need to get up and dressed soon, the girl moving in to Emily's old room is dropping some stuff off today. There was a guy living there in august, but apparently he never bought a bed, and was sleeping on the couch, and only stayed here like 5 days, and then decided to move out. Heh. So now there's some girl or something. As crazy as Leslie is, she picked both me and Emily for roommates, so I am kind of optimistic about this new girl. We'll see.
It's 3 in the afternoon, and I have accomplished nothing today. Feh.
2:26 p.m.
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