kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Dance, motherfucker, dance

Hi. Hmm. It's been a while. I actually forgot my password for a minute there. And such.
I was at camp again. It was... interesting. I don't know. I liked being there. I drove up, and I could smell Northern California. I could smell Camp. It was so familiar my heart ached for a moment. I really like a lot of the people I work with. Lots of really nice, good, talented, interesting people. A few who I try to avoid. But generally, people who I genuinely enjoy being around. It was a little weird and hard to get used to teaching again. I don't do trapeze during the year (though I'm seeking to change that this year) and so it's odd to jump right back in and pretend I know what I'm doing. I was there for two sessions, two weeks each. The first one there were only two of us teaching aerials, plus a teen staff spotter. That was really tough, because it meant that I had to teach three classes a day usually, along with running tech in the evenings, and checking in with my tipi. And Gabe, the other guy working it, was tired from being there all summer, and wasn't the most motivated person in the first place. It was frustrating. I missed John a lot. It's the first time I've been at Camp while attached to someone. I wrote him a lot of letters and postcards. He wasn't that great about writing back. Oh well. He went to Cape Cod with his family for a few days, and they stopped in Newport, RI, which is where we had gone to get pasta, in the trip that was originally intended for seeing a lighthouse. While he was there, he went to a store that makes little things out of old piano key ivory and such, and got me one that had a lighthouse painted on it. He gave it to me when he picked me up from the airport, and said "so, you've got your lighthouse". I like things like that. Not only is it really pretty, but the thought and intention and connection with a shared experience are all there. Anyway. Talking about Camp. Riley and I discovered that we both like time travel fiction, and he lent me a book to read, Time and Again, which was fantastic. The second session I was there, there were three of us teaching aerials, so it was much more relaxed, and my co-teachers were fantastic. One of them lives in Pennsylvania, and is dating a woman in Brooklyn, so I'll get to see him during the year, which is fantastic. One of the girls I was in a circus with when I was a teenager is now in R1ngl1ng, which is awesome, I'm excited to see her on tour. S Moon showed up the second week, and I had all sorts of fun playing scrabble with her and her sister and such. She's working in DC, so I'll get to see her a bit this year as well. Several of my other friends are going to college in New York, so I'll get to see them as well. There's going to be a whole Camp community out here. I like that.
Working at camp was hard, though. I mean, I got used to teaching again, and that was fine, and I'm good at being a tipi counselor, and they always give me oldest girls, who are easy and fun to hang out with. But I didn't enjoy being at camp as much as I have in the past. Both John and my mom asked if I was going back next year. I think I am. I feel like they need me, that I have something valuable to contribute, and that both makes me feel good about going back, and makes me feel obligated to keep going. But when else do I see most of these people? This internet thing makes it easier to keep in touch, but a lot of them are people that I just enjoy being around. I don't have anything particular to say to them. We're not great friends. Just good people that are nice to lay in the shade and talk about campers with. So I think I am going to keep going back. But I think next year I'm going to ask to only be an aerials teacher, and not have to do tech as well.
I was supremely bored staying with my parents. There were good things, but really, I'm so done living in the bay area. Things that were good- my cat. Slash, which is so awesome that I waited until then to buy jeans, just to go there. Burritos. Horchata. Knowing how to find my way around that effortlessly. Arizmendi. That's it. I was ready to come back. I almost was considering changing my flight to come back earlier, but didn't want to spend the money. John picked me up at the airport, and it was so good to see him again. I really don't like jfk's bagage carousels, though. Set up badly, too much crowding around. Oh well. So now I've been back a couple days, and have really accomplished nothing. I went out to lunch with Zina and her parents yesterday, to the sushi place. We had all sorts of fun, and they really appreciated the sushi. I'm glad Zina's going to school here. And then John and I watched three movies. Mystery Science Theatre 3000 of Overdrawn at the Memory Bank. Which was godawful. But the show was good. I could be conviinced to watch more. Then Idiocracy, which was uncomfortably plausible, and then Evil Dead, which I've been wanting to see, as it's the serious version of Evil Dead 2. I like the funny version better. I'm really not good with scary movies.
So there. All caught up. I need to unpack, and clean up some, and start tracking down work. Ick. Lolling around doing nothing is going to get old pretty soon, but I'm really enjoying it at the moment, and it sucks that I really can't keep doing it till I get sick of it.
7:00 p.m.
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