kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

The desperate and divided years

what a great, stupid day yesterday was. Though if I want to get technical and separatist, yesterday was great, and today has been stupid so far.
I went to visit Jill, which I haven't done much at all, which kind of sucks. But it costs $14 each way to go see her, and it's an hour long drive from her to the train, so it's kind of a big hassle, even if it's worth it. It's not something I can do spur of the moment. Anyway. Last time I saw her was a few weeks ago, and we went to 6 Flags in massachusetts, and had a fantastic time. It was one of the best days ever, and my face hurt from smiling so much all day. Roller coasters scare the shit out of me, but I also love them, and we were able to go on just about everything, multiple times, and Jill knows that park incredibly well, and it was great. Backtracking for no reason.
So yesterday, I train it out there, which is always great. I love riding trains. It's all pretty and removed and just makes me feel better about the world. On the way back to her house, we stopped and picked up a pizza in Guilford. There's this random pizza place that they must have discovered years ago by accident, and it's pretty awesome. The plan for the day had been to go to Jill's house, make stuffed shells, and watch Real Genius. I saw this pretty recently, and I could swear on just about anything that Jill was the first person who told me about it. I remember it in her apartment, and her saying it was awesome and that I should see it. Apparently, this is totally false, she's never seen it and has no idea what the hell I'm talking about. It's a movie she would like, so, we should watch it. I was stupid and didn't borrow it from John, so we fruitlessly searched two stores and 2 video rental places and didn't find it. There goes that. So instead we spent the afternoon driving around, like we used to. We went on various errands to find things, she took me to where her internship had been and we wandered around. We got almost lost a few times, which we haven't really been able to do in Seattle for years. It was about 4 or 5 hours of wandering, and it was pretty fantastic.
Once back at her house, I grated all the cheese, on a stupid grater that I couldn't really avoid scraping my fingertips, so they're a little beat up. Her brother was hanging around, we almost started playing cards, talked about a bunch of stuff, drank grape juice, and tried to figure out what else to do. We ended up deciding on seeing Ratatouille, but knew that we were cutting it close, with timing and getting me back to the train. (foreshadowing and stupidity #1- I didn't check the train schedules)
It was a great movie. I tend to like anything those guys come up with, I'm biased because I watched their building go up, and have gotten to go o n multiple tours, and see stuff in their theatre, and look at process work, and get hints about future projects. Anyway. I really liked Ratatouille. It had a couple of interesting pacing issues, but I kind of liked that, in how it helped to surprise you.
It didn't get out till 11:15, though. And we were further away from the train station than I thought. I got there pretty much right at midnight, had missed the last train, the next one wasn't till 4:12am. Here's where it gets really stupid. I didn't want to make Jill drive all the way back in the morning, and it would have been stupid for her to have driven me an hour, just to take me back to her house. So I told her it was fine, and that I was all set. Then I realized that the station closed from 1am to 4am. Hmm. I sent John a text message explaining and saying that if he woke up, he should keep me entertained. And then I sat and listened to music, and wrote. At about 12:30, in an act of total self-pity, I called John. I didn't expect him to answer, and I half hoped he wouldn't. But I kind of hoped he would. And he did. At which point I chickened out about asking him to drive from Queens to New Haven, and told him to go back to sleep. He checked his text messages, apparently, and called me right back. He has a ton of good stories about New Haven being a dearth of humanity and such, and so didn't even insist on coming to get me, just did it. Though I felt really stupid because they didn't kick us all the way out of the station, jsut to the entryway, so I was totally safe, just bored and tired. He made it up there in an hour and a half. Tired, unshaven, glasses, sleep clothes, he showed up and rescued me. I think our average speed on the way back was about 85 or 90. I got home at about 4, so three hours earlier than I would have on the train, which means I was able to leep, even if it wasn't a full night. And we're going to 6 Flags in new jersey today. Ridiculous.
I feel stupid because in all my trying to avoid being a burden and/or bother to Jill, I ended up being more of one to John. I think he minded the interupted sleep, but I think we was fine with the time and distance. I mean, I think that if he were better rested, he would have been kind of happy to come get me, and we would have gone and found a field of fireflies or something. Speaking of which! We went to see a show a few nights ago, and on the way back to the car he stopped me, and pointed to a square fly-like bug, and told me to watch. And it lit up! I'd never seen a lightning bug before, I was so surprised. It's greenish. I didn't expect that at all, I thought they were yellow. It was very exciting.
Anyway. Time to take a shower.
10:33 a.m.
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