kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Holy calamity, scream insanity

Wow. Hi. I have no idea how long it's been, and I'd rather not contemplate that.
I put air conditioners up in the apartment a couple days ago. It's very odd. I've never lived anywhere where hauling out the AC in summer, or even using one in the first place, was normal. But it's been hellish humid and hot and thunderstormy, which is actually all sorts of exciting. It's an odd combination of weather that I've never really experienced before, and just another thing that I stoically accept and don't question. Today looks like it's probably pretty nice, but I think it's going to be spent indoors cleaning. I mainly just need to pick up all my clothes, maybe do laundry. I have this huge ginormous pile of clothing that I'm getting rid of, and I need to go through and fold it all so it takes up at least a little less room, and then I need to find a way to haul it all down to a goodwill drop off center. I have no idea how I ended up with so many clothes. Actually, I sort of do. I never throw things away, but they get old, or don't fit, or my taste changes (but I might need it someday! And if I ever get something or other, this will be perfect to wear with it, ignoring that I really won't wear it under any other circumstances) and I buy new clothes once in a while, and my mother still has the terrible habit of sending me things. So, I wind up with a full closet, a full dresser, a full laundry basket, and a 2'x2'x3' pile of clothes. Great. And my cousin recently went through and downized her closet, and she had a lot of really great long sleeve shirts that I took. Among other things.
Also on the room cleaning list, I now have all my books. And I still have no shelves. It's kind of ridiculous. I have stacks of books, ranging from a foot to 2'6" high along the wall. But the wall is not long enough to just have one line, so their about 3 stacks deep. Takes up a lot of room. And it's really hard to find books I want to read, as the ones I have already read tend to be on top. My mom vaguely suggested that she and I fly to Chicago and pick up all the bookshelves from my aunt, and then drive to New York together. I actually really like this idea, even the part about my mom and I being in an enclosed area for several days. I don't know, maybe we'd kill each other, but I think it would be fun, reading aloud and playing roadside alphabet and such. Maybe I'm idealistic? In any case, I need to talk to her and figure something out, because I cannot live like this too much longer. I have been here for 5 months, and I still feel unsettled. None of my wall art is up. I still have a couple boxes that haven't been unpacked. I need a new bed. Well. Sort of. My bed is fine, and really, it's amazingly comfortable for a futon, but it's too low. And John can't sleep well on it. I wish my dad could send me my old bed frame, that would be perfect. It was high enough to fit all sorts of stuff under it, and given that it was a little higher than usual, and a little wider and longer, it always made me feel slightly diminutive and really cozy. But it's a twin frame size, and I am done with sleeping in beds that small. So I will slowly aquire things for this, like a foam top first, and then maybe a higher, non-futon frame, and then an actual mattress.
Oh! So Emily is moving out. August 1st. That sucks. She's moving somewhere with Deuce. I think we should stage a revolt, over throw Leslie, and Deuce can move in here. But that won't happen. We'll see. They want to stay in Sunnyside, though, so that's good. I wonder who'll move in. I was thinking about moving out. I had a couple of options for it, sort of. At least ideas floating around. But really, the rent is good, I like the neighborhood, my room is pretty big.. I'm not going to find anything better. So I've decided that my new goal is to outlast Leslie. To at least stay longer than her. And hopefully, right around then, I will have friends looking for places to live. Zina, maybe? Who knows. It'll all work out.
So John has been looking to buy a place, and he doen't want to live in a co-op, so he's been having a really hard time finding anything in New York. But he just found this really great place up in Bridgeport. And he's thinking seriously about it. I'm kind of bummed out about it. But it does look really great, and it's looking to greatly increase in value, so he could sell it for about 3-4 times what he's paying in about 5 years, and then move down to the city, or somesuch. Who knows. He's also talking about maybe splitting time, half living there, half where he is now. Or renting it. So who knows. I mean, as it is now, it's a bit of a commute for him to come to me, or else I visit him at work, and he leaves work to wander around with me for a couple hours, so I suppose not much would change. It would take more preplanning to see him, though. Not that he should be taking me into account when deciding where to live, but I still get to in my thinking, you know? Silly, though. We're still in a totally nebulous state, not officially together at all. I like him a lot, though.
Work is stressing me out. I did a show in the beginning of the month that still hasn't paid me, so I'm poor. I had better get that check today or I will flip out and throw things and send people to kick in doors. And then I've been working for this guy, Jeff. Same one that I did the show in South Orange with, and I have now remembered why I don't like working with him. It's not so bad, I suppose. But I'm doing the show for free. I mean, when I do electrician work on it, I'm getting paid for that, but most of the time I'm an "assistant" (which is such bullshit, he's barely using me as one) and I'm do that without pay. Why, oh why, you ak? Why would I take a job for no pay, with a designer that I don't really enjoy working with? Well, when he asked, I was feeling flush. I was making enough money for the month, I wasn't worried, and he said that though this is not a guarantee, the company has a strong history of taking things to off-broadway, at which point I would be paid, and decently so. And it is a good show. And that is the point, really. I'm getting to work on theatre that I think is good, and it is partially because of me that it is able to happen. It's hard to remember that when he doesn't tall me any of the calls in advance, and I have to beat him to get the schedule out of him. or have to listen to his (really bad) jokes multiple times. Or have to sit there and keep my mouth shut about the giant dark spot center stage, and I know exactly what is causing it, but I can't speak up until he asks me what I think. Whatever. He gets me jobs elsewhere that are good. Like one with a college in brooklyn, that is going to hire me regularly in the fall. It was just a 2 day thing that I went in for, and they apparently loved me, so I'm doing a week in July with them, and then come september, they're going to hire me left and right, or so they say. In any case, as a freelancer, working for them, I become a staff member at thi college, so I'll get to use their gym, which is fantastic, and perhaps take classes for free. I don't know about that part yet, I have to check on how many hours you need to be employed or somesuch, but I really like that idea. It's 8 miles from my house, but it's a pretty straightforward route, and I've been contemplating if I could ride my bike there without being killed. I'm not sure. John claims that I'll die for sure, but I don't know. I kind of want to try, at any rate. Though I don't know if I'm a good enough rider anymore. It's been a while, and I was never that aggressive in the first place.
Okay, I need to go and get moving on my room. I slept in till 11, and now half the day is gone.
But oh! So, Camp starts the 23rd, I'm flying to California the 18th. In between now and then is crazy. Today and tomorrow I have free. Monday I'm going to CT to visit Jill. We're going to make stuffed shells and watch Real Genius. It will be great. Tuesday I think I'm going to 6 Flags in New Jersey with John. Wednesday I'm spending with him and his family, and we're going to Roosevelt Island to watch the fireworks. Thurday and Friday we're going to Rhode Island to look at a lighthouse. It's a crazy old lighthouse that has a real fresnel lens in it, one of the only ones left that's still in operation. I'm all sorts of excited. What a geek. Next weekend I think I have free. I'm pretty sure I do. That will be nice. Tnen the 9th-14th I'm working at this college again. Most of those are full days, some are half or less days. The 15th-17th I have free, but those will be spent cleaning and packing and such, because I have an 8am flight the 18th. I'm sure anyone who actually reads this was deeply curious about my schedule for the next couple weeks, and so was very grateful to find all that out. Whatever. They're painting my room while I'm gone (the walls have some water damage and such) so I need to leave it really really neat, with minimal wall usage. Feh. I'm glad, though, that will be nice. And maybe when I get back I'll paint it a pretty color. Who knows. I'm kind of excited about that.
Okay. TIme to get up and clean. For reals.
11:40 a.m.
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