kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end

Oof tired. As much as I like having work, and being busy and being around people, I really kind of miss leeping till whenever and then lolling around in bed and dozing tthe rest of the time. It did get old, but it's a hard habit to break. I turned down hanging out with Emily and the neighborfriends lat night so that I could go to sleep at 11, and not have to wake up till 9 30, which was almost enough sleep. Heh.
The dance thing that I'm working on has been a lot of fun. But I'm really not lighting it. I mean, I guess I am. But I couldn't move any of the lights till thursday, and there was a show that evening. So there was no real point in playing with light levels yet. So, I just watched, and ran sound and learned how to do that. And then yesterday, moved some lights, changed some color, watched them work a couple of specific sections, and then improvised with the lights. I did pretty well, I think. The only change the choreographer wanted was to have the preset light brighter so that it wasn't quite so theatrical when it started, it wasn't like 'ah ha! The lights just went way up, we must be starting' It's a very intimate living-room feel show, which I like. And I kind of like that I have barely any notes written for the lighting, and that it's sort of "I adjusts the lighting based on how I feel at this section at the moment".
And then in the background, soon to be foreground, I'm reading the manual, teaching myself to run the board for Lyricus' show (little board that I've never seen before, but know the company' other products pretty well, so it should be pretty easy) learning how to program moving lights on a board I know decently well, drafting the plot and picking color for the co-design, figuring out cues for both of those shows, and juggling the schedules of both. Holy hell. They're creeping up fast.
9:46 a.m.
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