kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Like a sleepy golden storm

What a good day. And it promises to continue. Last night I was in a contemplative non-talking mood, and went out with Emily and Maura and Ross and Steve. It was exactly what I needed. I drank some, I listened to them, and then there was really loud music. The fiddle player was rocking out, he was so much fun to watch. I always like it when people are so clearly into whatever they're doing. Well. Sometimes it's kind of awkward/embarrasing to watch, but not in this case. I got home not too late, read a bit, and then turned in.
This afternoon, I had a meeting with H. He was a little late, and I people-watched. We talked a bit, figured a few things out, checked schedules, made plans. We're watching a stumble-thru on sunday. It should be interesting. It's all high school students, and it's a weird play (weird in the 'huh. why was this written?' way, not in the avant garde oddity way), and it's a stumble through, so I'm anticipating all sorts of trying not to laugh. And wincing.
We finished up, and then I went and photocopied the script for him. And then was hanging out, reading and enjoying listening in on his phone calls, when he asked me to run another errand for him, to pick up keys and get them copied. And then paid me 20 bucks for having done it. And then paid me half of the fee for the show we're doing. So.. on the one hand, I should save and be really careful because next month is pretty lean. But on the other.. I want to see Spring Awakening. So, I think I might. Treat myself. Hmmm.
And tonight I am going with the neighborfriends to see Grindhouse. And then it's their cats' birthday, so there might be something happening for that. Though Maura's away message on aim says something about them being bad, and it being cancelled. Who knows. It's looking like a good evening in any case.
5:48 p.m.
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