kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Nine people's favorite thing

Oh boy. Been a while.
So you know the show I was working on? The one at the ivy league school in NJ? Yeah, apparently it was actually a big deal. Like, article in the Times, BBC reporter on opening night, Russian tv crew important. No one told me. Wow. I feel pretty cool now that I know I got to be a part of this rather historically significant project. I really wish I'd known the backstory sooner, though. Oh well.
Saturday night I stayed over there, in company housing, as it were. Which was fantastic. My commute was about 3 hours, so I've been getting home at 2 am. So staying the night there was pretty cool. And it was nice, it was this big house that various faculty and such use when they need to (I imagine it's a mix of people like me, and teachers who maybe only teach 2 or 3 days a week) and I had a nice little attic-y room with a little skylight and minimal furnishings. I like all my stuff, but it's nice to be in a place that is less visually active. And the shower was fantastic and hot . My shower here is hot for the first 5 minutes, and then becomes merely pretty warm. The one there was all sorts of luxurious. And I liked staying in a big house. From that night, and my year in berkeley, I'm realizing that I really like that sort of living setup. I have my own room, that's mine, arranged how I please, and then there is the rest of the house, and it's big and there might be people to talk to, but maybe everyone is off somewhere. I like the communal space.
And then Kurt Vonnegut died. To echo just about everyone else, so it goes. And of course my copy of 'God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian' is in the box of books that my dad hasn't sent yet. I think it's the perfect bit to read to remember him by.
Speaking of death, a few of my relatives are going to visit my grandmothers grave next friday, and they were nice enough to invite me along. My uncle told me about this when I stopped by and visited him in december, saying "because Amy hasn't been there yet" to which I had to bite my tongue from saying 'neither have I!' And then apparently he forgot; I only got invited because my mom suggested that my aunt call me. oh well. What a stupid reason to feel left out. And also, now I'm kind of thinking I don't want to go. At least, not with them. A field trip to a grave seems stupid. And forced, I feel like there's a particular way I should act and feel, and I have no clear idea what that is. I'd rather go by myself, without the social pressures, and have a good long talk with her. But at the same time, I can have a good long talk with her no matter what. And frankly, the thought that I'll be standing there, and that her remains will be under my feet is rather creeptastic, and not a reality that I want to face. That's not how I want to see my grandmother, that's not a memory I want. Oh well. I already commited to going, it would be extremely poor manners to back out now. I'm thinking I might go beforehand by myself.
In other news, I think I can fairly confidently say that I can drive stickshift now. I still sort of suck at downshifting, but really, I manage to do it, and I've now driven in something like rush hour traffic, and on city streets, and no one died, and no one was ever even close to being in danger of dying, so I guess I can't really claim not to be able to anymore. And it's true, it's not that hard. The whole idea of shifting is so much more of a mental block than a real difficulty. I used to always freak out about whether I should shift, and how did I know I was in the right gear, but the car kind of tells you. So anyway. Yay me.
I have three projects coming up. And I have to work on all of them simultaneously in the next couple weeks. Ack. I'm a little fazed by all this activity, and how to balance it all. also, they're all designs! Two of them are wholy mine, though one is a lot more constricted in terms of what I'll be able to do. but I'm the designer! Not the assistant! And one of them, I have an assistant for! The third is a co-design, but really, it's only co in terms of the plot. H is going to be gone all through focus and tech, so it will be my cueing. And really, that's where the art comes in.
Time to get up. I need to start working on As You Like It. First step, finish reading the script. I can't believe I'm having such a hard time getting through a Shakespeare, particularly one that I've read and seen before (granted, not for 7 years). Feh.
12:48 p.m.
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