kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

They only want a little excitement

My sleep schedule is so wrecked. Last night I went out with Maura and Ross and Maura's friend Witten, and this guy Steve, who is childhood friends with my roommate Emily, and a total ass. Like, whiny pretentious, loudmouth borderline hipster kick-in-the-face annoying. But it was okay. We went to this party thrown by a friend of Maura's (note a pattern here? Social butterfly)and I had 10 jello shots. And was totally sober. Feh. I dunno. I talked to people, I fixed an earring, I sat on the fire escape. Many pictures were taken. I actually look pretty good in most. Or at least not terrible. I tend to be really unphotogenic, so this was an impressive night in that way. I'm trying to remember some significant details, but none are coming to mind. Oh well. The apartment was in Greenpoint, and it was huge and nice. 1300, including everything. Would that I could afford that.
We took a cab home at about 3 am. Uneventful. But I was wide awake somehow. So, I stayed up. I have two friends now who work nights, and I talked to them. I read some. Around 7 I was hungry, and a little sleepy, so I ate some oatmeal and it gave me a second wind. At almost 11, Maura and Witten went to the breakfast place, Alpha Donuts, home of a very good spinach and feta omelette. We were early than usual, and local color was in full evidence. I love my neighborhood.
[We interrupt this journal entry to say that ANNE-MARIE HAS FOUND AN APARTMENT!! Woo!! i can get the rest of my stuff from connecticut!]
After breakfast we wandered about the neighborhood. There's a thrift store on the Blvd. that I hadn't really noticed before, but today they had a row of books out front, and not bad ones either. What I got-
The Confessions of Max Trivoli-Andrew Sean Greer- who knows. It looked interesting.
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men- David Foster Wallace- I have, but have not read, Infinite Jest, but hey! Who could resist this title?
Hypocrite in a Poufy White Dress- Susan Jane Gilman- okay, so, I liked the cover, it looked sort of interesting, I have fond associations with the name Gilman (street in Berkeley, long story). And it was a 1.75.
Shopgirl- Steve Martin- saw the movie, want to read the book. Surprising find.
The Bulwark- Theodore Dreiser- okay, I know this guy is someone important, I just cannot for the life of me place him (and haven't looked him up yet). The language seems stilted and interesting
and last but not least-
Thomism in and Age of Renewal-Ralph M. McInerny- WTF? Thomism? I have never heard of such a thing. Also- chapter one is titled Introductory. Also- check out the first sentence of chapter 2-"The ambivalence of the concept of tradition lies in the fact that ideas and attitudes are both praised and blamed for being traditional." To which I cannot help but put my hands under my chin and say "Reeaallllyy? Go oonnnnn" a la Jon Stewart.
All this was mine for under 12 bucks.
We wandered a bit more, and went to this big field area sort of behind our apartments to check it out. Maura had heard that it was sort of communal property for the block. There was a woman there who has been sort of taking care of it for a while, and she talked to us for over half an hour solid about it. Apparently, each of the homeowners has a share in the deed. The city granted it to them for 100 years (there's something like 40 to go) and then it goes back to the city. But there isn't insurance on it, and people don't show up to meetings, and so nothing gets done with it. It would make a really good community garden, but it's tough to get started. We got to hear all about it. I'm too tired to do it all justice. It's a nice piece of land, though, and I had visions of going and planting morning glories along the fence.
I went home and read some of Shopgirl, and took a nap, waking up at about 7 30. So now I'm tired, but not fatigued. And a little hungry.
8:29 p.m.
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