kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Go cry on somebody else's shoulder

Rough couple of days. I've been sick. Not terribly, but yesterday was a wash of achy feverishness. Today was much better. The Job emailed me, she got so many good applicants that she added a written section. I think I did pretty well on it. We'll see. I'll hear back tomorrow (she says). I did more work for the London plot. On the one hand, that's great. 5.5 more hours of high paying work. On the other, meh. It's like the job that never ends. Little things keep changing. I think that'll be the last thing, for now. Though I am hoping that they hire me to adapt the plot for the rest of the tour, if they need that done.
I've been craving fruit a lot lately. But this is New York, and it's winterish (though it's actually officially spring now) and I just have this stupid attitude that everything is going to be sort of flavorless and underripe. Though I got a couple pears a week-ish ago that were just fine. So who knows what my deal is.
Hey! I just realized that today (in all technicality the 23rd) is my 3 month anniversary of being in New York! Not that big of a deal, I suppose, but it's a quarter of a year. It's a chunk of time. I think I've accomplished a good bit in that time, and am poised to accomplish more. How exciting.
12:17 a.m.
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