kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

To wander the dark streets of London

I just ate a pear that was the perfect ripeness. It's the little things.
Yesterday and today I've been looking for work. I need real work, and I need a part time job that will always cover rent. Both are a little frustrating to find. I'm going to take a break soon and go to Bryant Park and read. It's really nice today, overcast but in the 50's.
It's a cavalcade of birthdays lately. Yesterday was my ex's (whom I'm really not on the greatest terms with, but I remembered and thought hey, that would be a nice gesture, right? I don't know if it was the 'right' thing to do, but who cares. It was a nice, short note) today is Emma's (who goes to Y'all, but it just occurred to me that she might be home for spring break, which means that maybe she didn't answer her phone when I called because it was 7 30 in the morning for her. Oops) Tomorrow is Emily's (the good roommate) and also a friend of mine from middle/high school (thank you facebook) who is also living in New York. Also, tomorrow night is the Pogues concert. All sorts of quietly excited about that.

Okay, one more sweep of craigslist, and then I'm off to sit and read in the park. I like scheduling stuff like that.

1:00 p.m.
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