kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

bye bye miss american pie

Today has been pretty awesome. The weather is fantastic, slightly sunny, nice and warm. By 'warm' I mean 48ish. Compared to the junk in the 20's that was rest of the week, it's fantastic. I didn't wear my coat.
And I went bowling. I haven't gone bowling since I was something like 6, and I guess that doesn't really count. I don't think I actually bowled then. I was pretty terrible at it today, but I had fun. I didn't expect it to be that fun, but hey. I got two spares! It was a good time. I went with two of the older Sunnyside crew. We went and got coffee afterwards, and then I went with one of them to play pool. Apparently, there's a pool hall about three blocks away from me. I lost all the games there as well, but it was fun. It was a little weird playing pool not at a bar. I kind of missed the atmosphere of a bar. The light, the drink on the counter. I'm used to shooting pool as a social activity, it was a little odd to have that as the specific focus.
It was in general a nice, sociable afternoon. I'm always surprised when I have easy comfortable conversation with people I don't know that well. I suppose I shouldn't be, it happens more often than not. He had just seen An Inconvenient Truth, so we talked about that some. I remember liking it, but not being that impressed by the structure of it. The information made an impression on me, but as a movie I didn't think it was put together exceptionally well. I may need to see it again to decide.
After being all social, I came home, and got a phone call from Aaron, the designer I did the London show for. He said the plot was really great, and that he's going to get the producers email so I can send the invoice to her. Which means that with that project I paid rent. I was able to charge more because he's not paying me out of pocket, which is all sorts of exciting. I have the money my mom put in my account. I'm waiting for a check for the 11 hours of electrician stuff I did in NJ as well. They might also hire me to do a better drawing of the theatre, as well. So... if I do that, I don't need to do any other work this month, and I'll be okay. I mean, I won't be able to start paying my mom back. And I won't be able to save any money. But it's a little comforting to know that I'll be okay. Particularly since I'm sure I'll have other work this month.
I think it's time to go celebrate with a box of wheat thins. I might be addicted.
7:58 p.m.
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