kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I'm coming up

On a nearly daily basis I get this rush of feeling that I absolutely love living here, and that I'm exactly where I need to be. It has its normal worries and hassles, but my life is pretty perfect. Even when it turns jesus-fuck bitter-cold. Which is it today. After a couple weeks of pretty decent weather, it's turned back to 20 degrees and under. For some reason I didn't check this before I left to have breakfast with Vanessa, and so have been freezing my face off without a scarf all day.
I liked having Vanessa here. It sounds like her admissions interview went really well, which is all sorts of good. She's not Jill, but I'd really like her to be in the same city. We went to a diner (that was apparently right next to a police academy, there were all sorts of guys in uniform there) for breakfast, then wandered about, ending up at B&N and sitting and reading for a while. I picked up a copy of Kavalier and Klay, which so far is really good. I remember liking the style of The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, though this is not quite the same. I'm still in the very beginning, though, so who knows. After I started reading it, I remembered that I'm still in the middle of The Things They Carried. Oops. I do this alot, where I'm in the middle of a few books at once, but these days I only really have time to read while I'm in transit, so it's more than a little awkward to read more than one at a time.
Tomorrow I need to finish this London plot. I gwas going to work on it today, but I only had a couple hours, and I'm in a bit of a stupor. No good. I need to have a near-final version by tomorrow evening. I'm thinking I'll take a nap during rehearsal (ha!) then work all night and tomorrow morning. Red Bull and wheat thins. All about it. I have to go enjoy the last few minutes before I have to get on the train.
4:00 p.m.
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