kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Tell me why I don't like mondays

So my grandmother fell a few days ago. This is, I feel, somewhat of a big deal, but it's kind of diminished by the fact that she is always getting hurt. Quite literally, every time I call her, she has some list of things- wrist is hurting, chipped a tooth, twisted her ankle, bruised her knee. Usually it's fairly small stuff, but she seems to go to the hospital an awful lot, and I can't tell if it's because she needs to, or because she needs to feel taken care of. And the thing is, she still lives at home. There's some one staying with her, but I don't think they're there all the time. I'm guessing this because she fell at, get this, 3 in the morning, and called 911. Good grief. What on earth is my 83 year old Jewish grandmother doing up at 3am?? And why, why does this accident prone lady not live in some sort of assisted care place? I'm really not sure, but I know that my aunt is trying/has tried/something to get that happening. Who knows.
The play in NJ is starting to annoy me. It's a little too much work for what it's worth, and I'm losing respect for the designer. As catty and haughty as it sounds, I think I'm a better designer than he is. granted, maybe I just think that because he roughed in all the cues, and then wasn't here for tech. So, he hasn't really had a chance to work through stuff and make it flow better. But there are some cues that just suck. And I've fixed some, but a)I'm afraid I'll fix stuff, and he'll think I killed it, and b) it's not my design and I don't want to put that much effort into it. But good grief! When a scene is taking place at night, in a bedroom, you do not have your front light at 40%. At least, not when your sides and backs are at 50%. It's just way too bright, but somehow he doesn't think so. Whatever. It's just my time, and he may be passing along a gig in June that pays a hell of a lot better. Also, rehearsal this week is going till 11 every night, and the last train leaves at 10 18, which means he's driving me to Secaucus to catch the bus, and driving with him and his bad jokes for half an hour is kind of painful.
1:00 a.m.
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