kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

There was whisky on sunday

I just watched The Departed. Intense. I spent a lot of the movie not quite knowing who to root for. I mean, it quickly becomes apparent that Matt Damon's character is an ass, but I liked Jack Nicholson, and Damon worked for him. So I was torn. It was good. I don't know that it was best picture good, but I certainly want to watch it again, paying more attention to certain bits.
I've been crazy working. The last two days I've gotten up at 7 (hey, I've been sleeping till 11, this is a huge change) and the last three nights I've been getting home at 11 at the earliest. Tomorrow I get to sleep in till 9, but then saturday I have to get up at 6, and sunday is 7am again. So right now I'm splitting my time between the show in Jersey that opens next friday, the show that's going to London, and the restaurant.
The show is Jersey is good. It's a good show, the actors are solid, blah blah. I don't know how much I like the designer. He's not some one I would be friends with, I feel. But he's a good guy, and he's paying me hourly for all the electrician stuff I had to do today, and for the focus tomorrow, and that's on top of the flat fee I'm getting for assisting him. He's just slightly ... he reminds me of Mr. Collins in Pride and Prejudice. He's not that self-aggrandizing, but be does have the slightly rehearsed lines that are 'amusing', or whatever. He also has a slight air of being put upon- not as if he were above everyone else, just that he is long suffering. Who knows. He bought me lunch today, I don't get to complain.
Today we stripped down whatever show was there before, and hung all the lights, got it all cabled, and plugged up and pretty. I had kind of hoped to be able to blow through everything today, get everything focused as well, but that was pretty unrealistic. I think that Wubba (yeah, there was this Dutch guy working with me, and that really is his name. I don't know if it's short for anything) and I did the best that we could have. So tomorrow is focusing, which shouldn't take too long. It's just me and Jeff, the designer, and we'll see how that goes. I really don't like being an electrician. The older I get, the more nervous I am about working on ladders, and as much as I really do like straightforward physical labor, this type is just kind of losing its appeal. Anyway.
The other show! I really like Aaron. I went in tuesday afternoon and he talked me through everything that was going on, transferred a bunch of files over to me. At dinner break, we went to a pretty nice place. It felt a little... date-like? I don't know. We each got a glass of wine, and split a few appetizers. He was asking me about who I was/had worked for, and about my roommates, and working with kids. We talked about how old he was, and stuff on his website. He knows my resume pretty well. It was a kind of get-to-know you conversation with hints of something in it. Maybe I'm reading too much. Maybe it's because I have a slight mild crush on him. But I usually am much too dense to pick up on the flirting vibe, and I kind of felt it there. I can hope. Anyway. We went back to the theatre and I ran the focus call. The glass of wine had maybe been a bad idea, I had a terrible headache by the end.
Wednesday I was with him most of the day. We finished focus, and started writing cues. I was doing a fabulous job keeping up, it's really too bad that I had to leave at 5, and so my notes are pretty useless. It was good practice. So now he's told me some of the changes he wants to make for London, and I need to send him a draft by wednesday. I also have to do a bunch of random research and spreadsheet stuff for the restaurant. It's all looking up fixtures and estimating things, researching controls for them, etc. Kind of busy work, but work, and the kind that I can choose to be interested in.
Vanessa is coming in to town on sunday, and staying through tuesday afternoon, for her grad school interview. I'm very excited about that, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by it all. We'll see. In any case, it's 12 30, and I have to be up in 8.5 hours, and as that is the most sleep I will have gotten in a few days, I want to make the most of it.
12:06 a.m.
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