kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Insane in the membrane

My roommate hates me. The crazy one. Well, maybe not. But she's been really really weird around me lately. Then yesterday, she asked me for money for utilities, 20 bucks. Sure. I was really busy all day today, though, and I don't want to write a check for that small an amount, and I figure tomorrow afternoon I'll get money. But then tonight she comes home, and Emily and I are sitting there watching SVU, and she snips at us about everything, and everything seems more directed at me. The cat had kicked over his water dish, so we had a towel on the kitchen floor. I leave the bathroom door open so that the moisture can disperse after I take a shower, but she's worried about the cat eating the toilet paper (seriously? maybe if she let the cat in the bathroom once in a while, he wouldn't go nuts at the sight of something new. But that's another issue). And then the problem of me having not given her the utilities money yet. Good god. She's been putting it off for a while. I know this because I overheard her talking about it with Emily on, I think, monday. Soo... now she needs it from me, or the lights will be turned off? It's in her name. Why doesn't she just pay it, and I'll give her the money tomorrow afternoon? After she left, Emily thought this all was weird, because the bill is $84, and Emily already gave her $42. Sketchy. Fortunately, she wasn't home long, but as she left, she said something that I didn't entirely catch, but it had to do with how "manners were really lacking these days" or something. I'm so confused. I don't know what I did, if I actually did anything to piss her off. I wash my dishes (though, yes, I usually use a couple pots and a few dishes whenever I cook. So what.), I keep my door closed, I try not to interfere with her schedule. I'm usually in the living room when she gets home, but I go in my room when she gets home, so she can watch the independent film channel until 2 in the morning. Who knows. She's insane. I'm going to start saving money to move, now that I know more about New York, and more about where I want to live. Emily is looking to move in a few months as well, I'm hoping I can get a place with her. We'll see.
11:08 p.m.
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