kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Canned heat in my heels tonight, baby

It snowed! I know, I know, this isn't exactly a new occurance, but I really like snow. Talking to the Director last night, I remarked that it somehow makes me feel like I really live here. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, just that now snow is a part of life. It wasn't before. So, because I'm living with something totally different, it's that much more real. The only thing I really dislike about it is the sound of it being shoveled while I'm trying to sleep. Even dirty slush is better than that. Oh well. I couldn't sleep last night, so at about 2 am I sat up and watched it snow for a bit. Across the street, a whole huge chunk of snow slid off the roof, so of course I stayed up a little more to see if the snow on my roof would do the same. It didn't. At least, not while I was watching.
I watched most of the Academy Awards last night. The best part of the night was clearly the Pilobolus Dance troupe. The worst part was listening to my crazy roommate. Who claimed to be psychic every time she correctly guessed who would win. Yes, I know, Jill and I just made a claim to being psychic. But we are generally half joking, whereas she was totally serious. It's an educated guess, dude. And given how often the awards are fairly predictable, not a very hard one to make. I think the one that bugged me the most was when she was really surprised that The Departed won best picture, she hadn't seen that coming. That in itself, not irritating. Factor in that she has not seen ANY of the movies nominated, and that she has been trashing The Departed all night, because "It's so boring. Films like that are just.. boring. I don't like his work anymore, it's all the same film over and over, it's just stupid." Oh boy. She hasn't even seen it. But no no, she knows. And you can't question her at all, because she's the authority. We also got into a minor argument because I was commenting on the fact that Jennifer Hudson won over Cate Blanchett, and how great that must feel, to do your first movie, and have it be a crazy success, and then win despite being up against a few other well established brilliant people. Leslie just couldn't see that at all because, you know, of course she won. Cate always gets nominated, so of course they're going to give it to the newcomer who may never get a chance again. First off, I don't know about the logic there. Secondly, I wasn't talking about the probability, I was talking about how amazing it must feel. But she refused to budge. I really should have hidden in my room and tracked the winners online. But then I would have missed Pilobolus' moments.
Today I'm running around Manhattan a little, and hanging out with Naya this evening. I have no idea what we're doing. Possibly making dinner over here, which should be nice.

On a totally unrelated note, what the heck is up with all the searches for dragnflytype? A good 90% of hits here are from that. Then there's a smattering of other linkages, and then like 3 semi-regular readers. I'm just very confused by the fact that so many people (apparently) don't bookmark, or can't remember 'diaryland', or, perhaps, don't want record of typing the address into the searchbar. Curiouser and curiouser.
10:05 a.m.
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