kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Across the universe

Someday I will have a normal, healthy relationship. That's not today. Oh well. The Director just left. Again, no sex, but other entertaining things. I don't know, I like him, he's smart, he can quote just about anything ever written, and he's decently good looking. A little frustrating, though. Not his fault, he's all sorts of busy with school and directing a play, but I'd like to know him better. I talk to him online some, we banter. I'm good at bantering. But, you know, I'd like to actually know him. I'm fine with him being a fuckbuddy, but I'd like him to be somewhat of an actual friend as well. Too much to ask? Who knows.
Jill and I are psychic. This has always existed, and has gotten stronger over time. We've had many conversations where we don't initially mention any particulars, but start discussing things in depth, and we just know that we are indeed talking about the same thing. Tonight, we had this exchange on gchat:
9:11 PM me: Jill!
Jill: [me]!
9:12 PM Do you wait online all day just to talk to me?
me: oh shit
I was just thinking about saying something like "you know that I wait around all day for you to come online"
but it's not true, I just wanted to be funny
but then you had to go all awesomely psychic on me
Jill: me too
me: hi-larious
9:13 PM Jill: I'm a little freaked out actually
me: I think it's great
Jill: sure great
9:14 PM me: you sound so sarcastic
Jill: and a little creepy

I still think it's great. I had literally been thinking what she typed but decided against writing it myself, because it just sounded too sad and pathetic. Also, not true. Because-!
I have work! Huzzah! I've been periodically searching for more designers around here to send my resume to, and on thursday, I sent out a new batch. Within an hour, I got an email from this guy, Jeff, saying I might have work for you, can you send me pictures of your work? Really? I thought, he want's pictures? No one has ever asked for those before, usually they want drafting. So I spend some time picking out pictures from the dance concert, and from the show that I did last semester (this takes a while, because I realize that I was in such a hurry to leave school that I didn't put any of the pictures on my computer, and so I have to email the head of my department and get him to email them to me), and just for good measure, I throw in a couple of light plots. This take a few hours to get together. The next morning, I get an email, saying "You do nice work." and then some details of the project. I called him right then, and deals were made. It's not paying much, but it's work, and as with everything, it could lead to more work. And- I get to work in a theatre! I'm not just fixing plots and generating paperwork and mailing it in! Basically, he has two shows opening the same day (one originally said april first, and then changed. Oops) so I get to work with him on the less 'important' one (the one that is paying him less, and that he already has a fairly well established relationship with), and I will act in his stead when he's not there. He's given me license to change light levels, adjust small things, etc. Very cool. I'm excited. I went and watched rehearsal today, and it's good. It's a small theatre, not working with much, but it's a good script, the actors are really good (with one possible exception), and the director is awesome. I really liked listening to how she talked to the actors, about their intention, and relationships. It sound silly, 'what's my motivation' and all, but it's kind of true. So wednesday is a full run-thru, thursday is hang and focus, saturday is dry tech, and sunday (during which I will be on my own) is tech. That's so cool, I get to be the official one on a tech rehearsal. I'm excited. But I also need to find more work. I've decided to go and present myself at the AwesomeJob. It might be an annoying move, but I think it's the only way to go, if I want a chance at this.
I'm tired. I've been watching The Princess Bride while writing this, and as much as I like it, I think I might go to sleep. Cary Elwes is crazy hot, though.

11:54 p.m.
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