kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Now you're gone, how can I even try to go on

I'm back to eating cheese. Who's not surprised. Anyway.
I've spent the last couple days trying to find work. I now have three more definite "I'll keep you in mind"s. Also, taking care of random getting-paid business from Fashion Week. They are actually paying me, as opposed to giving me a personal check, which means I'm filling out and faxing the forms in, I have to get to the faxing part tomorrow. The main problem here, that I'm waiting to see if it's actually a problem, is that I don't have my social security card with me, or my birth certificate, either of which I need for the I-9. Oh boy. I know, stupid. But they're both in one of my boxes that is still in Connecticut. Another problem? I don't remember exactly which box. There are a couple possibilities. I am calling Anne Marie tomorrow to see where she is in finding an apartment.
Last night Emily and I went on an adventure to Elmhurst, sort of. She found a microwave and shelves on craigslist, and had arranged to go get them after work. I, having nothing better to do, was recruited to help. So we take two trains and walk a bunch, and when we turn onto the persons block, Emily calls to say hey, we're almost there, and of course, it being craigslist, the stuff has already been claimed. Stupid. I wasn't very annoyed, because I was just along for the ride and the carrying, but it's always a little frustrating when people back out of stuff and don't tell you. So we walk back down to Queens blvd, and go to Target. Fabulous. So now we have a microwave. Along with faxing things tomorrow, I think I will stop by trader joe's and pick up some tamales and such. While I'm on the subject (and in a boring, list oriented mood)-
Things I Need To Do Tomorrow
1. Copy drivers license, fax everything
2. Buy up foodstuff
3. Follow up on AwesomeJob, maybe go in person?
4. Work out
5. Pick up boots and clubs from aunt's place
6. Remind a few people that I still exist and am available.
7. Pick up a copy of whatever the heck play that was. Therese Raquin, Neal Bell version.
8. Clean my room

I think that's it. It's rather out of order, though, I think I'll do something like (8?)6, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 2 (8?).
I need to find my water bottle. I think it's packed somewhere, which sucks. Everything's packed. I'm pretty sick of not having all my stuff handy. It's been a very long week.
Today is the birthday of one of my best friends from middle school. I wonder what she's up to, I haven't been able to find her on facebook.

11:04 p.m.
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