kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

It'll psych you out in the end

It's my half birthday. I think I lived it up plenty. It's also my cousin's birthday. I have never really done anything for him, besides signing the card my mom was attaching to his presents. I'm slowly getting to the point of maturity of remembering and doing things for relatives birthdays, but for now, I just sent him a text message. He turned 20, and despite being a year young, I think he spent the better part of the day drinking to initiate himself into semi-adulthood.
Anyway. Last night I went drinking in Manhattan with Maura and Ross and Emily and a few of Maura's friends. It was a good time, but I have a pretty bad cold, so I was pretty exhausted. The first bar was loud and overcrowded, overpriced, and my drink was way too sweet. But- they were playing all sorts of good 80's music (and a smattering of non-80's), and the accompanying music videos. I've never seen Michael Jackson as a kid before, back when he was in the Jackson 5. Emily and I shared a cab home at about 1 30, everyone else stayed out till about 4. I'm glad I went home, I was ridiculously wiped out.
Today, I slept in. I woke up at about noon, and went with everyone to get breakfast, and then I treated myself to two movies. Such decadence! I first saw Music and Lyrics. It was good, sweet and fluffy. I liked how it kind of made fun of itself. It was nice and fairly mindless. I really have nothing new to say about it. I went back to Sunnyside, to my good cheap theatre, and saw Bridge to Terabithia. I vaguely sort of remembered the book, and I was kind of curious. I also knew that the previews were all big fat LIES. It's being marketed as this total adventure story, this 'land of their own, that they must conquer' etc etc. Ridiculous. I think the movie was great. It's beautiful story about friendship, and about how and why kids are horribly mean to each other. I really liked how they portrayed their imaginations, how it was very clear that they were imagining it, but that didn't matter. It was real, and it wasn't. It is a little weak at the very end, but that's okay. You start crying somewhere in the middle, and keep on pretty much straight to the end. Or at least I did. The one major major bad flaw is the stupid music for the credits. The lyrics sort of fit with the movie, I guess, but the music doesn't, and it starts up so quickly after the final moment that it's kind of jarring and mildly unpleasant. I didn't want to get up and leave, I wasn't quite ready to go back into the world yet, but I didn't want to sit and listen to that. Oh well. It was very cathartic, and stuck a lot closer to the book than you usually see in these adaptations.
10:59 p.m.
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