kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

This boogie is for real

I just finished 'Ahab's Wife'. That's how I spent the better part of today (I say 'better' because it really was. Most of the day was spent fucking around on the internet, and searching youtube for videos of Stephen Colbert). Because of it, I now have to read Moby Dick. I don't know how much I'll like it, but 'Ahab's Wife' is kind of a mirror for it, or more accurately, it's like a song covered by a different person, who makes it entirely their own. It was just so incredibly lyrically beautiful that it's a little hard to write now. I feel like I'm not doing justice to the written word as a whole. Also, it sucks that much more that I don't have a bookshelf to place it on properly, now that I've finished reading it.
One of my resolutions, or goals, or whatever, was two read at least a book a week (or something equivalent to that). So let's see (in no particular order)-
The Satanic Verses
Matilda (reread)
A Cricket in Times Square (reread)
Cyrano de Bergerac
Arcadia (reread)
Ahab's Wife
Bel Canto
� of 8 Ball Chicks
� of Blink
� That's all, I think.
So I'm a little behind because we're, what, 6 weeks in? I don't really think I should count the ones I reread, but who knows. After I finish writing this, I'm going to pick Blink up again. My mom gave it to me for christmas, and it's pretty fascinating, just like everyone else has said. There's no story, though, so it was easy to put down for several weeks, and now I'm about ready to pick it up again.
I like that I've had time to read lately, but I don't like not working. Rather, this is the first time in my life where I can simply not afford to be idle. I have always had my parents supporting me at least partially, and I don't want that. I know that for now, just getting started, my mom would be willing to help me. While I was looking for a bed, she said that she would buy it for me, and instead of paying her back I should take that money and put it in an account to save for paying off my student loans (which actually, I should be doing anyway). But I don't want her help. I feel like I should prove myself, or something. Maybe that's foolish? Maybe I should accept help if I need it? Though this is all premature. I'm pretty sure that I'll be okay, and will earn plenty enough to live on my own, but having just had nearly a week of not working is making me twitchy.
So I had that one interview, a couple weeks ago for the really good full time job. I talked to them again today about me coming in to be field tested, essentially. He said that they wanted to work with me, it was just a matter of figuring out when. He was in an elevator going to a meeting, so there was no conclusion there, so now I'm really waiting to hear from them. If I haven't by the end of Monday, I'm going to turn all annoying-persistent on them. I also emailed a few more designers today. We�ll see what comes of that.
The designer that I did the restaurant stuff for is a nice guy. When I went to give him back the book, he was working on a plot that he realized he should have had me do, and he said he'd definitely remember that in the future. He was really busy with it, but stopped to chat with me a little, and then walked me out. I've kind of gotten used to the New York lighting greeting of hugging each other (nearly the only sphere that I'm in that this is done. The other being at Camp, a place that is all about the love anyway), but he and I are not quite at that level of familiarity yet, though he did reach out to touch my arm when we said goodbye. It was a nice, nearly-unconscious little gesture. He was having dinner with Peter that night. I would have really liked to eavesdrop on that.
-EDIT- So I know that I just talked about not having work, and worrying a little about money, but- I just bought my ticket. I will be, on March 14th (which is also Pi day, and my roommate Emily's birthday, but that can't be helped) at the Roseland Ballroom, watching The Pogues!!! EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE. Excitement city over here. This will be the third band/person that I've seen live on purpose (if you count the ones I didn't particularly mean to see, then it's the 8th. But the others really don't count. Three are bands whose shows I was loading out, and I got there early), and they are the first band that I have done all the planning of seeing in advance. When I saw Bjork, some one else bought the tickets and planned it. When I saw Liz Phair, I kind of knew that I wanted to, but didn't really commit till that day (but damn am I glad I did. It was at Bumbershoot 2004, and I managed to be right up by the fence and I swear she looked at me at least once. I got there early and accidently saw Five For Fighting as well. They were okay). So this time, I found out about it, decided to go, and committed to going all a month in advance. So exciting! I think I know what I'm going to wear, too. Though I'm not sure. When I was 17, my angry Irish ex-pat friend went back to Ireland to visit and saw them play in Dublin, and brought me back a shirt. I'm so excited. I love having something like this to look forward to.
8:18 p.m.
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