kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

There ought to be clowns

One of the cats woke me up at 8 30 this morning. I refilled their water glasses (they have water glasses on the table just for the cats) and went back to sleep. I had a really strange, clear dream. I was at someplace like Costco, or something, with my mom and a few friends, and I was walking quickly with my friends. I wasn't entirely me, as is the case in most dreams. We had an idea, a list of stuff, but we were doing kind of a circular sweep to see everything, and then going back to pick things up. My mom was a little irritated tat I ditched her, and I went back to get her and apologize. Then, I was with my two friends kind of on the edge of the store, there wasn't really an official divide between store and not-store, other than the roof ending, and there was some sort of rocket or fireworks thing, and I had set it up to test it, which apparently was completely acceptable. I know because I reassured one of my friends (who I think was a good deal younger. I also have no idea who these friends actually were) about knowing the store policy on checking how these things worked. So we set it off, with the three of us crouching, and me kind of covering the two of them, and it streaked way way far out in the sky. I had a thought about signal flairs. It reached the end of its arc, and instead of exploding into a burst, like fireworks so, it just sort of changed into a burst of red sparks, and then circled back around, changed to white sparks, and headed back at us. It whislted by, going vrazy fast, and thumped into some one, and some one screamed. It sounded like a little girl, and there was some one in a sleeping bag laying there. I yelled to some one to call 911 (I remember being very irritated when I realized that I didn't have my cell phone on me). It turned out to be a 51 year old man. I tried to keep him still, and do all the right things. There was a ton of water around him, for some reason, and the blood was all through it. I was pretty worried, but he wasn't in much pain, really, and he kept shifting positions, and kind of squirmed out of the sleeping bag, by the end. his wife came over, pushed through the small crowd. She didn't seem particularly freaked out. I had asked hima bunch of questions, and one of the things he said was that he was working out regularly, and tried to keep his weight around 180, and I looked at him kindly and said "but what is it really?" which is wierd, because why was any of that relevant? Also, he wasn't that large. Thinking back, that seems to be perfectly reasonable. I was worried about keeping the wound closed, but by then in the dream there wasn't much blood. And then I woke up, sometime around then.
1. Wierd dream.
2. I hardly ever remember dreams this well after I wake up. Maybe right after, but they fade fast.
I have no idea what it means, if anything.
10:24 a.m.
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