kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Let us seize the day

I should be working right now. But it's very boring work, and I don't think it will take me as long as I originally thought, and I have no objections to staying up late tonight. And I'm not doing anything else tomorrow. So, random internet procrastination is okay.
I got a call this afternoon from a designer who I sent my resume to a few weeks ago. He has work for me. This is good, except that it's wierd work. I will be transcribing equipment specs, basically. Hmm. The good thing is that he's paying me almost as much as I get for assisting work, and he mentioned a 3d drafting project coming up, so this will undoubtedly lead to more work. Always good. This is looking like it will be a slightly crazy week, coming up. Working all day tomorrow, and then monday, I will go pick up the stuff I'll be transcribing, then go to a work call for Fashion Week. Sadly I'm not working an actual show, but I will be there when this one starts. That finishes at about 5. Or 7. And then I'll scoot over to the television studio where Peter is, give him the work I'm doing this weekend. Tuesday I'm working in a warehouse all day, 9am to 7pm. Somewhere in New Jersey. Feh. It's paying very well. I will never do it again. And then I head uptown to have a drink with the guy who gave me resume feedback, he's taking a position of being my mentor, sort of. I'm going to show him my portfolio, and drink wine, and get phone numbers and email addresses of people. Wednesday I will type furiously, maybe work on my portfolio, and either wednesday or thursday night I'm meeting up with a designer to show le portfolio to. Somewhere in all this I need to buy a space heater. My room is pretty cold, the heat is on a timer which would work really well for weather in the 40's. But this week is rather hellishly cold, right now it's 26-feels-like-16.
But! I've moved in! Sort of! I'm sleeping here, at any rate, and most of my stuff is here. I really need shelves, or something. Some sort of place to put things. Right now it's really pointless to unpack anything, because it just gets stacked on top of the box it came out of. Though I kind of like the time delay, I've been playing with where to put my bed. I think it's where I want it, but there's still time to change it, and try something else. I should get my clothes hung up, though.
Okay. That was long enough of a break. I need to get a chunk of this finished before I go to sleep. I have a very specific stopping point in mind, and I'm tired. Time to hop to.
10:03 p.m.
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