kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

They meant: Let's make lots of money, and worry about it later

There's a thing in my aunt's freezer that seriously looks like a case of Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. It isn't. It's gefilte fish. I really hate being faked out by an inanimate object every time I open the freezer.
I was up relatively early. 8 am-ish. True to rumor, the housecleaners showed up at 9. It wasn't as awkward as feared, but I left pretty quickly. I went down to the barnes and noble on 66th. Eh. It was pretty good, but a little odd. Very tall. Most floors I've ever seen in a commercial bookstore. I picked up a copy of Arcadia, by Stoppard, and then went up to the cafe. I originally intended to just get a bagel with cream cheese. But then- I saw the pretzel. The feta and spinach stuffed pretzel. Awesome. It was pretty good. I've been talking to a director friend online about Arcadia a little. Rather, he's reading it, and it was taking him forevvvvverrrrr, and when I told him it was one of my favorite plays that we worked on in studio he replied that he might ask me to explain it to him today, so I figured I would be more helpful if I reread it. It really is very good. I want to see it someday, but even in writing it's so clever and witty, from so many angles. I don't know that I'm a Stoppard fan, I wasn't that big on the other play of his I read, but this is pretty fantastic. I hope I can actually help this guy with it. I'm not sure why it took him 3 hours to get through the first half, unless he's trying to analyze it as he reads, which seems wierd to me. He's in grad school for direction, you'd think he would just read through the first time or two, just get a whole sense of the play, and then figure out the details. Maybe that's just how designers work, I don't know.
I also picked up a copy of As You Like It, which I'm going to be designing at Bard late this spring. Lyricus from Camp is directing, and he asked me to design it, which I'm pretty stoked about. He can't really pay me, just transportation and food and beer, but who cares? Lyricus is one of those people who you can tell is going somewhere. Who knows exactly where, but it's going to be good. So I'm glad that I will get to work with him when he's just getting started. Also- that I get to design something at Bard. Also- that I get to work on Shakespeare. I haven't really. I did one project sophmore year, but I was thinking about it from a scenic angle, which is fairly different. I was also learning how to think then, and now I'm still learning, but the base that I'm working from is a hell of a lot sturdier.
I saw an apartment today. I liked it (though not really the kitchen. But it was a big kitchen) and the one roommate that I met (though the other one is around, and not off in Denmark or something. Geez) but I don't really know how I felt about the neighborhood. It was very neighborhood-like, and kind of removed from stuff. Not too far, but further than I'd like. It's a bit of a walk to a subway, as well, about 8 blocks. Which is fine generally, but when it's raining, or just really cold and windy (like today) or you just happen to be mildly drunk and really tired... I dunno. It's a pretty big room, with a closet, for only 550. The one I saw yesterday was in a fantastic area, close to the subway, right in the middle of everything, but the room is pretty (okay, very) small, and it's 630. I called another place and left a message, and am going to see a fourth on sunday afternoon. So hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll have found the One. Feh. The one I'm looking at sunday is way upper Manhattan. Washington Heights area. But a) it's only 450 a month, and the ad said big room, but who knows what that means; b) there are two kittens; c) I would have two roommates my age, one guy and one girl; and d) when I called the girl, she sounded kind of like a lot of my friends. By that I mean that she was a little distracted, and so I got to over hear some of her talking to whoever she was with. So those are all good things. The other one that I just called and left a message for is in Brooklyn, and sounds good as well. also- cheaper. Who knows. I feel a little drained. I spent a lot of time on the train today. And somehow I kept getting crowded cars, so I had to stand most of the time. So it goes. I also need to eat, because I haven't since the fabulous pretzel. And that was at about 10. Feh, again.
5:24 p.m.
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