kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

After today, she'll be mine

Okay, it's time for a resolution entry. I've been somewhat avoiding it, but now about 3 other diaries I read have done something about it, I feel that I should join the crowd. SO, in no specific order
1. Stay in New York
2. Earn at least half my living from theatre
3. Juggle once a week (or more)
4. Work out regularly
5. Eat better, along with this, cook for myself more
6. Make new friends here, and not just rely on the few people I already know
7. Have better posture
8. Find some sort of boyfriend
9. See at least one piece of theatre a month
10. Read at least a (new) book a week. Scripts do count

I think that'll do it. I don't know if those are so much my resolutions as my intentions, but that might just be semantics.
I looked at three apartments today. Gah. First one- I like. Neighborhood is slightly on the sketchy side, but the place is RENT-like, my room would have fire escape access, the roof is pretty fabulous. But the guy, though I thought he was pretty cool, did not seem to think as much of me. Oh well. I'll hear something tomorrow, I think. Second- is in a great neighborhood. I like it. It was a nice apartment, the room was a little small, but doable. But the guy was a little weird. A little braggy about how many women he meets etc. Not exactly inspiring me to move in. Though he does really need someone to move in soon, and offered to knock fifty bucks off the rent if I agreed. But, eh. After seeing those two, I called Paul to discuss a little, and he went in his usual self-help direction, and after babbling for a while told me to make a specific list of everything I wanted, and to be particular and picky, and then focus on that and it would come about, I would just have to wait and know. So I kind of thought about that on the way home, and then opened craigslist, did my usual search, and found a listing. It sounded good and there was an open house tonight, 5 till 10 pm. It was already 5 30, so I hauled myself back out (this was a little lame, because it was 7 blocks from the 2nd place) and went. And oh dear, it fits everything I want. I wrote my information down, left last of the group of people that were there at the moment, and told the girl that I really liked it, thought I would fit, and thought that she was pretty cool. To make sure I stuck in her mind, I sent her an email when I got home. So- I hope it works out. Good neighborhood, good size room, nice people, good price, etc. Cross fingers.
I am very tired. The last couple days I have stayed up too late and run around during the day. I'm also reading 8 Ball Chicks, about girl gangs, and that's a little emotionally draining. Well, that's not quite the right word. But it's certainly alarming.
And now it's raining, and getting cold quickly. Glad to see that winter remembered.

9:27 p.m.
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