kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

The wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'

Well. I walked back to the subway to go home this morning, up 6th avenue, and then down 59th past Central Park and all the horse and carriages. It was lovely and warm. It's, um, 70 degrees today. It's january 6th, in the northern hemisphere. Creepy. But, it's really nice to wear a t shirt and hoodie.
Also, the new Pride and Prejudice now feels really superficial and silly. Last night I went up to Bronxville with Tenaya and watched the second half of the A&E version, which is fabulous. I've already commented on it, from when I watched the whole thing about a month or two ago, with Vanessa. The new one has kind of taken all the English cleverness out and just left Keira Knightley being self-conciously pert.
We made garlic bread last night, rather, I did; it was my prime responsibility in the dinner preparations. I think I put too much garlic on. It was very very sharp, tongue-bitingly garlicy. I think it just needed to be in the oven a little longer. It was a good time, though, what with the Pride and Prejudice, and the garlic and pasta and Naya and Alex and Emily. Emily is the roommate that came with us New Years. I really like her. Their other roommate, who I met briefly and don't really remember, is her boyfriend Wyll (no, really, spelled that way and all). He's apparently been kind of a jerk lately, and it's looking like they might break up. I told her that it's because he's from Sebastopol. Clearly that's the link. He also plays D&D. Anyway, here's one of the few good pictures from New Years. It was when we were in the sake bar, so there wasn't much light. In most of them, everyone was making all sorts of crazy faces (or being stupidly cute) so while this doesn't quite look like me, at least I don't have my tongue out. That's Tenaya over my shoulder.
3:32 p.m.
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