kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Karma karma karma karma, karma chameleon

Things to remember next week at juggling- water bottle, tank top/ maybe shorts, hair tie, what else? I think that's all. It's really hot in there. It was good tonight, I worked on solo stuff way longer than I would have liked, but then I got to pass and do all sorts of fun patterny stuff. Nothing much else happened today. On the subway home there was a very, very attractive guy sitting across from me, and I kept staring at him for extended periods of time. But then, alas, he left two stops before me. Oh well, I wasn't going to do anything anyway.
Tomorrow I'm looking at an apartment, and meeting up with a designer, and then going up to visit Tenaya and stay the night. It should be a good day.
12:31 a.m.
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