kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

The sky is blue, and all the leaves are green

I'm so tired right now. I really shouldn't be, but there you go. I spent all yesterday on the couch watching Top Model. It's on a super marathon right now, and I succumbed. Today was much more productive.
I woke up at 8 (yeah, This is amazing for me. I haven't regularly woken up this early in maybe years) and busted out the rest of the drafting in two hours (go me, I was impressed. It was not easy stuff) sent it off, sent off my invoice, and will be paid very soon. At about noon, I met up with Jill at Grand Central and we headed to NYU to give Anne-Marie her portfolio. That took way longer than expected, she was late and involved standing on a street corner looking bored. Blah. But then, the day got really good. We went to 58th and 8th to meet Jill's friend Missy. They met while Jill was trapped in Texas (which is where she met Billy, as well as Skye, the girl we stayed with in Houston. It was a terrible time, but she met some really awesome people). I really liked Missy. We went to a pretty good diner for lunch, and talked and she and Jill reminisced. We were going to try to see a movie, but it was too late (Jill had to catch a 6 30 train) and so we ended up walking over to Bryant Park and sitting and watching the ice skaters. They were playig great music, lots of Ella Fitzgerald, and there were all kinds of people to watch. I think I'm going to go back tomorrow or friday to skate. We had a fun converstaion about making a "childrens Cookbook", ie recipes for cooking children. It was all sorts of amusing. Her roommate is in a band, and so she's going to call me the next time they play, and we'll go get drinks. I love when I get along with friends of friends. Added incentive- Missy knows how to make tortellini. Anne-Marie joined us towards the end, and then Missy left to go home. The three of us wandered over to Grand Central and waited for Jill's train, and then I headed home. It was a good, pretty full day. I'm very proud of how social I've been here, so far.
The apartment I saw the other day went to a friend of hers who came through at the last minute. Dang. Oh well. So I'm looking at another one tomorrow, and emailing more people. I hate this part. Hopefully the search will end soon. I will find a great apartment, with fabulous people who I really like, and in a good neighborhood. Goal. But- the day was kind of topped off with a great phone call from, of all people, Dante. The designer that I'm meeting up with mid month, to show my portfolio to, is in Seattle, and they made the connection that they both know me (or of me, in his case) and aparently Peter, the designer I am meeting up with friday, said all sorts of nice things about me to Jim, the one who talked to Dante. This is awesome, and makes me feel like I can do this, I do good work, and people recognize that, and they like me as a person to boot. It makes me quietly giddy with happiness.
It was warm today, till the evening. It hasn't snowed yet this year in New York. This is too wierd. I mean, I like the pleasant weather, but... creepy.
8:29 p.m.
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